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Sigma KEE - partition

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation partition ChineseLanguage "C Classpartition 是一组包括C,而互不 disjoint 的类别 (一个子类别的分区)。C的每一个实例正正是这个分区子类别的一个实例。") chinese_format.kif 1517-1518
(documentation partition EnglishLanguage "A partition of a Class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) which covers C. Every instance of C is an instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition.") Merge.kif 585-588
(documentation partition JapaneseLanguage "Class C の partition は 相互に disjoint クラス(サブクラスパーティション)で、C をカバーする。Cのすべてのインスタンスは、パーティション 内の正確な1つのサブクラスのインスタンスである。") japanese_format.kif 82-84
(documentation partition SpanishLanguage "Una partition de una Class C es un conjunto de clases mutuamente disjoint (una partición de la subclase) en la que cubre a C. Cada instancia de C es exactamente una de las subclases en la partición.") spanish_format.kif 94-96
(domain partition 1 Class) Merge.kif 582-582 The number 1 argument of partition is an instance of class
(domain partition 2 Class) Merge.kif 583-583 The number 2 argument of partition is an instance of class
(instance partition Predicate) Merge.kif 580-580 partition is an instance of predicate
(instance partition VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 581-581 partition is an instance of variable arity relation

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage partition "%1 %n 详尽无遗地 partition 成 %*{2-}[,]") chinese_format.kif 311-311
(format EnglishLanguage partition "%1 is %n exhaustively partitioned into %*{2-}[,]") english_format.kif 316-316
(format FrenchLanguage partition "%1 est %n compl�tement d�compos� en %*{2-}[,]") french_format.kif 178-178
(format ItalianLanguage partition "%1 è %n esaustivamente partizionato in %*{2-}[,]") relations-it.txt 213-213
(format JapaneseLanguage partition "%1 は %*{2-}[,] に exhaustively partitioned %n") japanese_format.kif 1998-1998
(format PortugueseLanguage partition "o conceito %1 e' %n completamente decomposto em %*{2-}[,]") portuguese_format.kif 130-130
(format cz partition "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} exhaustively partitioned into %*{2-}[,]") relations-cz.txt 187-187
(format de partition "%1 wird vollstaendig in %*{2-}[,] verteilt") relations-de.txt 408-408
(format hi partition "%1 %*{2-}[,] men sarvasamaaveshita ruupa se vibhaajita %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 251-251
(format ro partition "%1 %n{nu} este partitioned%t{partiþionatã} exhaustively%t{exhaustiv} în %*{2-}[,]") relations-ro.kif 198-198
(format sv partition "%1 är %n{inte} partiellt delad i %*{2-}[,]") relations-sv.txt 188-188
(format tg partition "%1 %n ay ang ari-arian ng %*{2-}[,]") relations-tg.txt 405-405
(relatedInternalConcept exhaustiveDecomposition partition) Merge.kif 550-550 exhaustive decomposition is internally related to partition
(termFormat ChineseLanguage partition "划分") chinese_format.kif 312-312 exhaustive decomposition is internally related to partition
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage partition "劃分") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44600-44600 exhaustive decomposition is internally related to partition
(termFormat EnglishLanguage partition "partition") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44599-44599 exhaustive decomposition is internally related to partition


        (partition ?SUPER ?SUB1 ?SUB2)
        (instance ?INST ?SUPER)
            (instance ?INST ?SUB1)))
    (instance ?INST ?SUB2))
Merge.kif 606-612
    (partition ?SUPER ?SUB1 ?SUB2)
    (partition ?SUPER ?SUB2 ?SUB1))
Merge.kif 602-604
    (partition @ROW)
        (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)
        (disjointDecomposition @ROW)))
Merge.kif 590-594


        (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)
        (disjointDecomposition @ROW))
    (partition @ROW))
Merge.kif 596-600
    (partition ?SUPER ?SUB1 ?SUB2)
    (partition ?SUPER ?SUB2 ?SUB1))
Merge.kif 602-604

appearance as argument number 0

(partition Ambulating Walking Running) Merge.kif 11175-11175 Ambulating is exhaustively partitioned into walking and running
(partition AnatomicalStructure AnimalAnatomicalStructure PlantAnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14961-14961 Anatomical structure is exhaustively partitioned into animal anatomical structure and plant anatomical structure
(partition AnatomicalStructure BodyPart AbnormalAnatomicalStructure) Merge.kif 14960-14960 Anatomical structure is exhaustively partitioned into body part and abnormal anatomical structure
(partition Animal Vertebrate Invertebrate) Merge.kif 14493-14493 Animal is exhaustively partitioned into vertebrate and invertebrate
(partition Argument DeductiveArgument InductiveArgument) Merge.kif 16884-16884 Argument is exhaustively partitioned into deductive argument and inductive argument
(partition Attribute InternalAttribute RelationalAttribute) Merge.kif 1702-1702 Attribute is exhaustively partitioned into internal attribute and relational attribute
(partition BiochemicalAgent BiologicalAgent ChemicalAgent) WMD.kif 82-82 Biochemical agent is exhaustively partitioned into biological agent and chemical agent
(partition BiochemicalWeapon BiologicalWeapon ChemicalWeapon) WMD.kif 108-108 Biochemical weapon is exhaustively partitioned into biological weapon and chemical weapon
(partition BiologicalAgent Toxin ToxicOrganism) WMD.kif 157-157 Biological agent is exhaustively partitioned into toxin and toxic organism
(partition CareOrganization HospitalOrganization MedicalClinic) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7843-7843 Care organization is exhaustively partitioned into hospital organization and medical clinic
(partition ChairmanPublication ChairmanInstruction ChairmanManual) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1027-1027 Chairman publication is exhaustively partitioned into chairman instruction and chairman manual
(partition ChemicalProcess ChemicalSynthesis ChemicalDecomposition) Merge.kif 12550-12550 Chemical process is exhaustively partitioned into chemical synthesis and chemical decomposition
(partition Communication Stating Supposing Directing Committing Expressing Declaring) Merge.kif 13082-13082 Communication is exhaustively partitioned into stating, supposing, directing, committing, expressing, and declaring
(partition Currency CurrencyBill CurrencyCoin) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3578-3578 Currency is exhaustively partitioned into currency bill and coin
(partition DeductiveArgument ValidDeductiveArgument InvalidDeductiveArgument) Merge.kif 16904-16904 Deductive argument is exhaustively partitioned into valid deductive argument and invalid deductive argument
(partition Entity Physical Abstract) Merge.kif 816-816 Entity is exhaustively partitioned into physical and abstract
(partition Expressing Gesture ExpressingInLanguage) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13161-13161 Expressing is exhaustively partitioned into gesture and expressing in language
(partition Firearm Rifle Pistol) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1597-1597 Firearm is exhaustively partitioned into rifle and pistol
(partition Garden ResidentialGarden PublicGarden) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8370-8370 Garden is exhaustively partitioned into residential garden and public garden
(partition GeographicArea WaterArea LandArea) Merge.kif 14078-14078 Geographic area is exhaustively partitioned into water area and land area
(partition GeometricFigure GeometricPoint OneDimensionalFigure TwoDimensionalFigure ThreeDimensionalFigure) Merge.kif 17860-17860 Geometric figure is exhaustively partitioned into geometric point, one dimensional figure, two dimensional figure, and three dimensional figure
(partition GraphElement GraphNode GraphArc) Merge.kif 5821-5821 Graph element is exhaustively partitioned into graph node and graph arc
(partition Gun ArtilleryGun Firearm) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1155-1155 Gun is exhaustively partitioned into artillery gun and firearm
(partition Hardwood Softwood) Economy.kif 5394-5394 Hardwood is exhaustively partitioned into softwood
(partition Human Man Woman) Merge.kif 14691-14691 Human is exhaustively partitioned into man and woman

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