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Sigma KEE - originalTitle

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation originalTitle EnglishLanguage "(originalTitle ?STRING ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE) means that in the Language ?LANGUAGE, ?STRING is the original title of instances of ContentBearingPhysical ?WORKTYPE, as specified in the ReferenceDescriptiveMetadataSet.") Media.kif 3168-3171
(domain originalTitle 1 SymbolicString) Media.kif 3165-3165 The number 1 argument of original title is an instance of symbolic string
(domain originalTitle 3 Language) Media.kif 3167-3167 The number 3 argument of original title is an instance of language
(domainSubclass originalTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3166-3166 The number 2 argument of original title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(instance originalTitle TernaryPredicate) Media.kif 3164-3164 original title is an instance of ternary predicate
(subrelation originalTitle titleInLanguage) Media.kif 3172-3172 original title is a subrelation of title in language

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage originalTitle "%2 的 original title 在 %3 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4054-4054
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage originalTitle "%2 的 original title 在 %3 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4053-4053
(format EnglishLanguage originalTitle "the original title of %2 in %3 is %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4052-4052
(termFormat EnglishLanguage originalTitle "original title") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65937-65937


        (titleInLanguage ?TITLE1 ?WORKTYPE ?LANG1)
        (originalTitle ?TITLE2 ?WORKTYPE ?LANG2)
            (equal ?LANG1 ?LANG2)))
    (translatedTitle ?TITLE1 ?WORKTYPE ?LANG1))
Media.kif 3250-3255
        (translatedTitle ?TRANS ?WORKTYPE ?LANG1)
        (originalTitle ?TITLE ?WORKTYPE ?LANG2))
            (equal ?TRANS ?TITLE))
            (equal ?LANG1 ?LANG2))))
Media.kif 3242-3248

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