molecularRatio |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation molecularRatio EnglishLanguage "The number of molecules of a particular ElementalSubstance in a given CompoundSubstance.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21991-21992 | |
(domain molecularRatio 2 Integer) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21994-21994 | The number 2 argument of molecular ratio is an instance of integer |
(domainSubclass molecularRatio 1 ElementalSubstance) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21993-21993 | The number 1 argument of molecular ratio is a subclass of elemental substance |
(domainSubclass molecularRatio 3 CompoundSubstance) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21995-21995 | The number 3 argument of molecular ratio is a subclass of compound substance |
(instance molecularRatio TernaryPredicate) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21988-21988 | molecular ratio is an instance of ternary predicate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage molecularRatio "the number of molecules of %1 in a molecule of %3 is %n %2") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21989-21990 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage molecularRatio "molecular ratio") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65923-65923 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?CS1 ?CLASS) (subclass ?CLASS CompoundSubstance) (not (exists (?CS2) (and (instance ?CS2 ?CLASS) (part ?CS2 ?CS1)))) (molecularRatio ?ECLASS ?N ?CLASS) (instance ?G Group) (member ?E ?G) (part ?E ?CS1) (instance ?E ?ECLASS)) (memberCount ?G ?N)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21997-22011 |
appearance as argument number 0 |
(molecularRatio Calcium 1 CalciumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5866-5866 | The number of molecules of calcium in a molecule of CalciumChloride is 1 |
(molecularRatio Carbon 1 Freon12) | Cars.kif 1787-1787 | The number of molecules of carbon in a molecule of freon-12 is 1 |
(molecularRatio Carbon 3 SodiumLactate) | Medicine.kif 5877-5877 | The number of molecules of carbon in a molecule of SodiumLactate is 3 |
(molecularRatio Chlorine 1 PotassiumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5872-5872 | The number of molecules of chlorine in a molecule of PotassiumChloride is 1 |
(molecularRatio Chlorine 1 SodiumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5868-5868 | The number of molecules of chlorine in a molecule of salt is 1 |
(molecularRatio Chlorine 2 CalciumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5865-5865 | The number of molecules of chlorine in a molecule of CalciumChloride is 2 |
(molecularRatio Chlorine 2 Freon12) | Cars.kif 1788-1788 | The number of molecules of chlorine in a molecule of freon-12 is 2 |
(molecularRatio Fluorine 2 Freon12) | Cars.kif 1789-1789 | The number of molecules of fluorine in a molecule of freon-12 is 2 |
(molecularRatio Hydrogen 2 SulfuricAcid) | Cars.kif 2474-2474 | The number of molecules of hydrogen in a molecule of sulfuric acid is 2 |
(molecularRatio Hydrogen 5 SodiumLactate) | Medicine.kif 5878-5878 | The number of molecules of hydrogen in a molecule of SodiumLactate is 5 |
(molecularRatio Nitrogen 1 NitricOxide) | Geography.kif 7213-7213 | The number of molecules of nitrogen in a molecule of nitric oxide is 1 |
(molecularRatio Nitrogen 1 NitrogenDioxide) | Geography.kif 7238-7238 | The number of molecules of nitrogen in a molecule of nitrogen dioxide is 1 |
(molecularRatio Oxygen 1 NitricOxide) | Geography.kif 7214-7214 | The number of molecules of oxygen in a molecule of nitric oxide is 1 |
(molecularRatio Oxygen 2 NitrogenDioxide) | Geography.kif 7239-7239 | The number of molecules of oxygen in a molecule of nitrogen dioxide is 2 |
(molecularRatio Oxygen 2 SulphurDioxide) | Geography.kif 7179-7179 | The number of molecules of oxygen in a molecule of sulphur dioxide is 2 |
(molecularRatio Oxygen 3 SodiumLactate) | Medicine.kif 5879-5879 | The number of molecules of oxygen in a molecule of SodiumLactate is 3 |
(molecularRatio Oxygen 4 SulfuricAcid) | Cars.kif 2476-2476 | The number of molecules of oxygen in a molecule of sulfuric acid is 4 |
(molecularRatio Potassium 1 PotassiumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5873-5873 | The number of molecules of potassium in a molecule of PotassiumChloride is 1 |
(molecularRatio Sodium 1 SodiumChloride) | Medicine.kif 5869-5869 | The number of molecules of sodium in a molecule of salt is 1 |
(molecularRatio Sodium 1 SodiumLactate) | Medicine.kif 5876-5876 | The number of molecules of sodium in a molecule of SodiumLactate is 1 |
(molecularRatio Sulphur 1 SulfuricAcid) | Cars.kif 2475-2475 | The number of molecules of sulphur in a molecule of sulfuric acid is 1 |
(molecularRatio Sulphur 1 SulphurDioxide) | Geography.kif 7178-7178 | The number of molecules of sulphur in a molecule of sulphur dioxide is 1 |