hasSkill |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation hasSkill ChineseLanguage "这个是类似 capability Predicate 但有额外的限制, 就是这个能力是可以用某种可量度的程度实践/ 演示出来。") | chinese_format.kif 2101-2102 | |
(documentation hasSkill EnglishLanguage "Similar to the capability Predicate with the additional restriction that the ability be practised/ demonstrated to some measurable degree.") | Merge.kif 3984-3986 | |
(documentation hasSkill JapaneseLanguage "ある程度まで実践/実証される能力の追加の制限を伴った capability Predicateと同様である。") | japanese_format.kif 752-753 | |
(domain hasSkill 2 AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 3982-3982 | The number 2 argument of has skill is an instance of agent |
(domainSubclass hasSkill 1 Process) | Merge.kif 3981-3981 | The number 1 argument of has skill is a subclass of process |
(instance hasSkill AsymmetricRelation) | Merge.kif 3980-3980 | has skill is an instance of asymmetric relation |
(instance hasSkill BinaryPredicate) | Merge.kif 3979-3979 | has skill is an instance of binary predicate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage hasSkill "%2 %n hasSkill 去做 %1") | chinese_format.kif 119-119 | |
(format EnglishLanguage hasSkill "%2 %p{has} %n{does not have} the skill to do %1") | english_format.kif 119-120 | |
(format FrenchLanguage hasSkill "%2 a %n la capacit� de faire %1") | french_format.kif 81-81 | |
(format ItalianLanguage hasSkill "%2 ha &n la capacità di fare %1") | relations-it.txt 126-126 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage hasSkill "%2 は %1 をする skill が %n{ない}") | japanese_format.kif 1908-1908 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage hasSkill "%2 tem %n a capacidade de fazer %1") | portuguese_format.kif 33-33 | |
(format cz hasSkill "%2 has %n skill to do %1") | relations-cz.txt 122-122 | |
(format de hasSkill "%2 hat die F�higkeit, zum %1 zu tun %n{nicht}") | relations-de.txt 139-139 | |
(format hi hasSkill "%2 men %1 ko karane kii dakshataa %n hai") | relations-hindi.txt 166-166 | |
(format ro hasSkill "%2 %n{nu} are skill%t{calificarea} sã facã %1") | relations-ro.kif 100-100 | |
(format sv hasSkill "%2 har &n färdigheten att %1") | relations-sv.txt 80-80 | |
(format tg hasSkill "%2 &n may ang pagsanay sa %1") | relations-tg.txt 258-258 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage hasSkill "有技巧") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27587-27587 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage hasSkill "有技能") | chinese_format.kif 120-120 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage hasSkill "有技巧") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27586-27586 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage hasSkill "has skill") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 27585-27585 | |
(termFormat de hasSkill "hatFaehigkeit") | terms-de.txt 41-41 | |
(termFormat tg hasSkill "may pagsanay") | relations-tg.txt 259-259 |
antecedent |
(=> (hasSkill ?PROC ?AGENT) (capability ?PROC agent ?AGENT)) |
Merge.kif 3988-3990 |
consequent |
(<=> (attribute ?H LiteracyAttribute) (and (hasSkill Reading ?H) (hasSkill Writing ?H))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15218-15222 | Literacy attribute is an attribute of an agent if and only if the agent has the skill to do reading and the agent has the skill to do writing |
(=> (and (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA) (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete)) (hasSkill Sport ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 1358-1362 |
(=> (and (attribute ?X ?M) (instance ?M Musician)) (hasSkill MusicalPerformance ?X)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22476-22480 |
(=> (and (instance ?H Man) (attribute ?H Mausaharati)) (hasSkill Drumming ?H)) |
ArabicCulture.kif 59-63 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PILOT Human) (attribute ?PILOT Pilot)) (hasSkill FlyingAircraft ?PILOT)) |
Biography.kif 634-638 | |
(=> (attribute ?ASTRONAUT Astronaut) (hasSkill SpaceTransportation ?ASTRONAUT)) |
Biography.kif 643-645 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE BaseballPlayer) (hasSkill Baseball ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 392-394 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE BasketballPlayer) (hasSkill Basketball ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 396-398 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE Boxer) (hasSkill Boxing ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 400-402 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE CarRacingDriver) (hasSkill CarRacing ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 424-426 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE FigureSkater) (hasSkill FigureSkating ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 404-406 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE FootballerSoccer) (hasSkill Soccer ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 412-414 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE FootballerUS) (hasSkill Football ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 408-410 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE Golfer) (hasSkill Golf ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 416-418 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE Gymnast) (hasSkill Gymnastics ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 420-422 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE MarksmanProfessional) (hasSkill ShootingSport ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 428-430 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE MotorcycleRider) (hasSkill MotorcycleRacing ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 432-434 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE RockClimber) (hasSkill RockClimbing ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 498-500 |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE Swimmer) (hasSkill SwimmingSport ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 436-438 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE TennisProfessional) (hasSkill Tennis ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 1378-1380 | |
(=> (attribute ?ATHLETE Wrestler) (hasSkill Wrestling ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 440-442 | |
(=> (attribute ?P Carpenter) (hasSkill Carpentry ?P)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21043-21045 | |
(=> (attribute ?P PoliceOfficer) (hasSkill PlacingUnderArrest ?P)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21187-21189 |
(=> (attribute ?PERSON Actor) (hasSkill DramaticActing ?PERSON)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19068-19070 | |
(=> (attribute ?PERSON Cellist) (hasSkill (PlayingInstrumentFn Cello) ?PERSON)) |
Music.kif 1414-1417 | |
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