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Sigma KEE - father

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation father ChineseLanguage "这是父亲的概括关系。(father ?CHILD ?FATHER)的意思是 ?FATHER 是 ?CHILD 的亲生父亲。") chinese_format.kif 3693-3694
(documentation father EnglishLanguage "The general relationship of fatherhood. (father ?CHILD ?FATHER) means that ?FATHER is the biological father of ?CHILD.") Merge.kif 16520-16522
(domain father 1 Organism) Merge.kif 16518-16518 The number 1 argument of father is an instance of organism
(domain father 2 Organism) Merge.kif 16519-16519 The number 2 argument of father is an instance of organism
(instance father BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 16512-16512 father is an instance of binary predicate
(instance father PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 16511-16511 father is an instance of partial valued relation
(instance father SingleValuedRelation) Merge.kif 16510-16510 father is an instance of single valued relation

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage father "%2 %n 是 %1 father") chinese_format.kif 527-527
(format EnglishLanguage father "%2 is %n a father of %1") english_format.kif 532-532
(format FrenchLanguage father "%2 est %n le p�re de %1") french_format.kif 311-311
(format ItalianLanguage father "%2 è %n un padre di %1") relations-it.txt 109-109
(format JapaneseLanguage father "%2 は %1 の father では %n") japanese_format.kif 2079-2079
(format PortugueseLanguage father "%2 e' %n o pai de %1") portuguese_format.kif 263-263
(format cz father "%2 %p{je} %n{nen�} a father of %1") relations-cz.txt 317-317
(format de father "%2 ist der vater von %1 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 686-686
(format hi father "%2 %1 kaa janaka %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 149-149
(format ro father "%2 %n{nu} este father%t{tatãl} lui %1") relations-ro.kif 332-332
(format sv father "%2 är %n{inte} en pappa till %1") relations-sv.txt 341-341
(format tg father "%2 %n ay ang ama sa %1") relations-tg.txt 228-228
(termFormat ChineseLanguage father "父亲") chinese_format.kif 528-528
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage father "父親") domainEnglishFormat.kif 23375-23375
(termFormat EnglishLanguage father "father") domainEnglishFormat.kif 23374-23374
(termFormat de father "vater") terms-de.txt 208-208
(termFormat tg father "ama") relations-tg.txt 229-229


    (father ?A ?B)
    (parent ?A ?B))
Merge.kif 16514-16516
    (father ?CHILD ?FATHER)
    (attribute ?FATHER Male))
Merge.kif 16524-16526


    (cousin ?P1 ?P2)
        (exists (?G1 ?G2)
                (grandmother ?P1 ?G1)
                (grandfather ?P1 ?G2)
                (grandmother ?P2 ?G1)
                (grandfather ?P2 ?G2)))
            (exists (?M ?F)
                    (mother ?P1 ?M)
                    (father ?P1 ?F)
                    (mother ?P2 ?M)
                    (father ?P2 ?F))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24004-24019 A human and another human are cousins if and only if there exist a woman and a man such that the grandmother of the human is the woman and the grandfather of the human is the man and the grandmother of the other human is the woman and the grandfather of the other human is the man and there don't exist an organism and another organism such that the organism is a mother of the human and the other organism is a father of the human and the organism is a mother of the other human and the other organism is a father of the other human
    (stepfather ?P ?F)
    (exists (?M)
            (mother ?P ?M)
            (spouse ?F ?M)
                (father ?P ?F)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24095-24102 A man is the stepfather of a human if and only if there exists another human such that the other human is a mother of the human and the man is the spouse of the other human and the man is not a father of the human
    (stepmother ?P ?M)
    (exists (?F)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (spouse ?M ?F)
                (mother ?P ?M)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24112-24119 A woman is the stepfather of a human if and only if there exists another human such that the other human is a father of the human and the woman is the spouse of the other human and the woman is not a mother of the human
        (instance ?REP SexualReproduction)
        (result ?REP ?ORGANISM))
    (exists (?MOTHER ?FATHER)
            (mother ?ORGANISM ?MOTHER)
            (father ?ORGANISM ?FATHER))))
Merge.kif 10397-10404
        (parent ?CHILD ?PARENT)
        (attribute ?PARENT Male))
    (father ?CHILD ?PARENT))
Merge.kif 16579-16583
        (parent ?CHILD ?PARENT)
        (instance ?PARENT Man))
    (father ?CHILD ?PARENT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23964-23968
        (parent ?CHILD ?PARENT)
        (instance ?REP SexualReproduction)
        (agent ?REP ?PARENT)
        (result ?REP ?CHILD))
        (mother ?CHILD ?PARENT)
        (father ?CHILD ?PARENT)))
Merge.kif 16478-16486
    (fathersBrothersDaughter ?P ?H)
    (exists (?F ?UNC)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (brother ?F ?UNC)
            (daughter ?UNC ?H))))
ArabicCulture.kif 666-672
    (fathersBrothersSon ?P ?H)
    (exists (?F ?UNC)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (brother ?F ?UNC)
            (son ?UNC ?H))))
ArabicCulture.kif 654-660
    (fathersBrothersWife ?P ?W)
    (exists (?F ?UNC)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (brother ?F ?UNC)
            (wife ?UNC ?W))))
ArabicCulture.kif 606-612
    (fathersSistersDaughter ?P ?H)
    (exists (?F ?AUN)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (sister ?F ?AUN)
            (daughter ?AUN ?H))))
ArabicCulture.kif 714-720
    (fathersSistersHusband ?P ?H)
    (exists (?F ?AUN)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (sister ?F ?AUN)
            (husband ?AUN ?H))))
ArabicCulture.kif 630-636
    (fathersSistersSon ?P ?H)
    (exists (?F ?AUN)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (sister ?F ?AUN)
            (son ?AUN ?H))))
ArabicCulture.kif 702-708
    (grandfather ?H ?P)
    (exists (?C)
            (father ?C ?P)
            (parent ?H ?C))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24026-24031
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?P BereavedFather))
    (exists (?BEFORE ?C)
            (earlier ?BEFORE ?T)
            (holdsDuring ?BEFORE
                (father ?P ?C))
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?C Dead)))))
ArabicCulture.kif 760-766
    (instance ?MULE Mule)
    (exists (?DONKEY ?HORSE)
            (father ?MULE ?DONKEY)
            (instance ?DONKEY Donkey)
            (mother ?MULE ?HORSE)
            (instance ?HORSE Horse))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21082-21089
    (paternalAunt ?P ?AUN)
    (exists (?F)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (sister ?F ?AUN))))
ArabicCulture.kif 584-589
    (paternalUncle ?P ?UNC)
    (exists (?F)
            (father ?P ?F)
            (brother ?F ?UNC))))
ArabicCulture.kif 562-567

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