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Sigma KEE - disjointRelation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation disjointRelation ChineseLanguage "这个术语把两种 Relation 连接。 (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2) 的意思是指这两种关系没有共同的元组。") chinese_format.kif 1502-1503
(documentation disjointRelation EnglishLanguage "This predicate relates two Relations. (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2) means that the two relations have no tuples in common.") Merge.kif 415-417
(documentation disjointRelation JapaneseLanguage "この述部は、2つの Relations を関連付ける。 (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2) とは、2つの関係にタプルがないことが共通している、という意味で ある。") japanese_format.kif 65-67
(documentation disjointRelation SpanishLanguage "Este predicado se relaciona con dos Relations. (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2) significa que las dos relaciones no tienen ninguna tupla en común.") spanish_format.kif 75-77
(domain disjointRelation 1 Relation) Merge.kif 412-412 The number 1 argument of disjoint relation is an instance of relation
(domain disjointRelation 2 Relation) Merge.kif 413-413 The number 2 argument of disjoint relation is an instance of relation
(instance disjointRelation BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 409-409 disjoint relation is an instance of binary predicate
(instance disjointRelation IrreflexiveRelation) Merge.kif 410-410 disjoint relation is an instance of irreflexive relation
(instance disjointRelation PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 411-411 disjoint relation is an instance of partial valued relation
(relatedInternalConcept disjointRelation disjoint) Merge.kif 414-414 disjoint relation is internally related to disjoint

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage disjointRelation "%1 和 %2 %n 是 disjoint 关系") chinese_format.kif 289-289
(format EnglishLanguage disjointRelation "%1 and %2 are %n disjoint") english_format.kif 294-294
(format FrenchLanguage disjointRelation "%1 et %2 sont %n disjoint") french_format.kif 167-167
(format ItalianLanguage disjointRelation "%1 e %2 sono %n disgiunti") relations-it.txt 77-77
(format JapaneseLanguage disjointRelation "%1 と %2 は disjoint では %n") japanese_format.kif 1987-1987
(format PortugueseLanguage disjointRelation "%1 e %2 sao %n disjuntos") portuguese_format.kif 119-119
(format cb disjointRelation "%1 at %2 %n ay lahi") relations-cb.txt 111-111
(format cz disjointRelation "%1 and %2 are %n disjoint") relations-cz.txt 183-183
(format de disjointRelation "%1 und %2 werden %n{nicht} disjunkt") relations-de.txt 376-376
(format hi disjointRelation "%1 aura %2 asanyukta %n hain") relations-hindi.txt 117-117
(format ro disjointRelation "%1 ºi %2 %n{nu} sunt disjoint%t{disjuncte}") relations-ro.kif 187-187
(format sv disjointRelation "%1 och %2 är %n{inte} disjunkta") relations-sv.txt 174-174
(format tg disjointRelation "%1 at %2 %n ay iba") relations-tg.txt 170-170
(termFormat ChineseLanguage disjointRelation "不相交关系") chinese_format.kif 290-290
(termFormat ChineseLanguage disjointRelation "不相交的关系") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19871-19871
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage disjointRelation "不相交的關係") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19870-19870
(termFormat EnglishLanguage disjointRelation "disjoint relation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19869-19869
(termFormat de disjointRelation "disjunkteRelation") terms-de.txt 117-117


        (instance ?REL1 Predicate)
        (instance ?REL2 Predicate)
        (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2)
        (?REL1 @ROW2))
        (?REL2 @ROW2)))
Merge.kif 447-453


        (domain ?REL1 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domain ?REL2 ?NUMBER ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 419-424
        (domainSubclass ?REL1 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domainSubclass ?REL2 ?NUMBER ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 426-431
        (range ?REL1 ?CLASS1)
        (range ?REL2 ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 433-438
        (rangeSubclass ?REL1 ?CLASS1)
        (rangeSubclass ?REL2 ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 440-445

appearance as argument number 0

(disjointRelation ancestorOrganization subOrganization) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24458-24458 ancestor organization and sub organization are disjoint
(disjointRelation contains part) Merge.kif 1018-1018 contains and part are disjoint
(disjointRelation crosses connected) Merge.kif 4201-4201 crosses and connected are disjoint
(disjointRelation decreasesLikelihood independentProbability) Merge.kif 2600-2600 decreases likelihood and independent probability are disjoint
(disjointRelation deprivesNorm confersNorm) Merge.kif 4014-4014 deprives norm and confers norm are disjoint
(disjointRelation disapproves desires) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7657-7657 disapproves and desires are disjoint
(disjointRelation dislikes wants) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7641-7641 dislikes and wants are disjoint
(disjointRelation increasesLikelihood decreasesLikelihood) Merge.kif 2598-2598 increases likelihood and decreases likelihood are disjoint
(disjointRelation increasesLikelihood independentProbability) Merge.kif 2599-2599 increases likelihood and independent probability are disjoint
(disjointRelation manner attribute) Merge.kif 1734-1734 manner and attribute are disjoint
(disjointRelation meetsSpatially overlapsSpatially) Merge.kif 9610-9610 meets spatially and overlap spatially are disjoint
(disjointRelation mutualStranger mutualAcquaintance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23641-23641 mutual stranger and mutual acquaintance are disjoint
(disjointRelation referee plays) ComputingBrands.kif 1679-1679 referee and plays are disjoint
(disjointRelation resource instrument) Merge.kif 2514-2514 resource and instrument are disjoint
(disjointRelation resource result) Merge.kif 2513-2513 resource and result are disjoint
(disjointRelation result instrument) Merge.kif 2515-2515 result and instrument are disjoint
(disjointRelation spouse domesticPartner) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23656-23656 spouse and domestic partner are disjoint
(disjointRelation stays home) Merge.kif 14439-14439 stays and home are disjoint
(disjointRelation stranger acquaintance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23626-23626 stranger and acquaintance are disjoint
(disjointRelation subAttribute successorAttribute) Merge.kif 684-684 sub attribute and successor attribute are disjoint
(disjointRelation subsumedExternalConcept subsumingExternalConcept) Merge.kif 643-643 subsumed external concept and subsuming external concept are disjoint
(disjointRelation synonymousExternalConcept subsumedExternalConcept) Merge.kif 641-641 synonymous external concept and subsumed external concept are disjoint
(disjointRelation synonymousExternalConcept subsumingExternalConcept) Merge.kif 642-642 synonymous external concept and subsuming external concept are disjoint

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