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Sigma KEE - containsInformation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation containsInformation ChineseLanguage "这是 represents 的子类别。这个术语把 ContentBearingPhysical 和这个 ContentBearingPhysical 所表达的 Proposition 联系起来。 它的例子包括一本实体小说和它所讲故事之间的关系,以及一篇总曲谱和的它音乐内容之间的关系。") chinese_format.kif 1648-1650
(documentation containsInformation EnglishLanguage "A subrelation of represents. This predicate relates a ContentBearingPhysical to the Proposition that is expressed by the ContentBearingPhysical. Examples include the relationships between a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its musical content.") Merge.kif 1360-1364
(documentation containsInformation JapaneseLanguage "represents の下位関係。 この述語は、 ContentBearingPhysicalProposition に関し、ContentBearingPhysical で表現される。 例として、物理的な小説とその物語の間の関係や、印刷されたスコアとその音楽コンテンツの関係など。") japanese_format.kif 234-236
(documentation containsInformation SpanishLanguage "Una subrelación de represents. Este predicado relaciona ContentBearingPhysical a la Proposition que se expresa el ContentBearingPhysical. Por ejemplo, las relaciones entre una novela física y su historia, la partitura y su contenido musical.") spanish_format.kif 276-279
(domain containsInformation 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1357-1357 The number 1 argument of contains information is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain containsInformation 2 Proposition) Merge.kif 1358-1358 The number 2 argument of contains information is an instance of proposition
(instance containsInformation AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 1355-1355 contains information is an instance of asymmetric relation
(instance containsInformation BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 1354-1354 contains information is an instance of binary predicate
(relatedInternalConcept containsInformation containsFormula) Merge.kif 1369-1369 contains information is internally related to contains formula
(subrelation containsInformation represents) Merge.kif 1356-1356 contains information is a subrelation of represents

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage containsInformation "%1 %n{doesn't} contains %2 的资料") chinese_format.kif 81-81
(format EnglishLanguage containsInformation "%1 %n{doesn't} contain%p{s} information %2") english_format.kif 81-81
(format FrenchLanguage containsInformation "%1 %n{ne} contient %n{pas} information %2") french_format.kif 65-65
(format ItalianLanguage containsInformation "%1 %n{non} contiene%p{s} informazione %2") relations-it.txt 57-57
(format JapaneseLanguage containsInformation "%1 は %2 の情報を contain%p{s} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 1889-1889
(format PortugueseLanguage containsInformation "%1 %n{nao} contem %n informacao %2") portuguese_format.kif 17-17
(format cb containsInformation "%1 %n naay nahibaw-an %2") relations-cb.txt 91-91
(format cz containsInformation "%1 %n{doesn't} contain%p{s} information %2") relations-cz.txt 71-71
(format de containsInformation "%1 enthaelt Informationen ueber %2") relations-de.txt 92-92
(format hi containsInformation "%2 kii jaanakaarii %1 men %n{nahiin} hai") relations-hindi.txt 98-98
(format ro containsInformation "%1 %n{nu} contain%t{conþine} informaþie %2") relations-ro.kif 84-84
(format sv containsInformation "%1 innehåller %n{inte} informationen %2") relations-sv.txt 64-64
(format tg containsInformation "%1 %n may kaalaman %2") relations-tg.txt 130-130
(relatedInternalConcept ContentBearingObject containsInformation) Merge.kif 1329-1329 Content bearing object is internally related to contains information
(relatedInternalConcept realization containsInformation) Merge.kif 4601-4601 realization is internally related to contains information
(subrelation accountInformation containsInformation) ComputingBrands.kif 4409-4409 account information is a subrelation of contains information
(subrelation programCopy containsInformation) QoSontology.kif 741-741 program copy is a subrelation of contains information
(termFormat ChineseLanguage containsInformation "包含信息") chinese_format.kif 82-82 program copy is a subrelation of contains information
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage containsInformation "包含信息") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16948-16948 program copy is a subrelation of contains information
(termFormat EnglishLanguage containsInformation "contains information") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16947-16947 program copy is a subrelation of contains information
(termFormat de containsInformation "enthaeltInformationen") terms-de.txt 25-25 program copy is a subrelation of contains information

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (instance ?COPY Photocopying)
        (patient ?COPY ?OBJ1)
        (instance ?OBJ1 VisualContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO1))
    (exists (?OBJ2 ?INFO2)
            (result ?COPY ?OBJ2)
            (instance ?OBJ2 VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO2)
            (equal ?INFO1 ?INFO2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26593-26604 A process is an instance of photocopying and a content bearing physical is a patient of the process and the content bearing physical is an instance of visual content bearing object and the content bearing physical contains information a proposition if and only if there exist another content bearing physical and another proposition such that the other content bearing physical is a result of the process and the other content bearing physical is an instance of visual content bearing object and the other content bearing physical contains information the other proposition and the proposition is equal to the other proposition
        (agreementEffectiveDuring ?AGR ?DATE)
        (instance ?TIME ?DATE)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula)
        (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?AGR))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME ?FORMULA))
Government.kif 730-736
        (instance ?C Confirming)
        (agent ?C ?A)
        (containsInformation ?C ?P))
    (exists (?S ?RA ?A2)
            (instance ?S Stating)
            (earlier ?S ?C)
            (instance ?RA ReachingAgreement)
            (agent ?S ?A2)
            (containsInformation ?RA ?P)
            (containsInformation ?S ?P)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29923-29937
        (instance ?CONST
            (ConstitutionFn ?COUNTRY))
        (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)
        (equal ?GOV
            (GovernmentFn ?COUNTRY))
            (WhenFn ?GOV) ?CLASS)
        (agreementEffectiveDuring ?CONST ?CLASS)
        (subProposition ?PART ?CONST)
        (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?PART))
    (holdsObligation ?FORMULA ?GOV))
Government.kif 738-747
        (instance ?DOC ContractDocument)
        (containsInformation ?DOC ?PROP)
        (property ?PROP Contract))
    (property ?PROP Law))
Media.kif 995-1000
        (instance ?EVENT OperationPlanning)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO))
    (instance ?INFO OperationPlan))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1527-1533
        (instance ?PLAN OperationPlan)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO))
    (instance ?EVENT OperationPlanning))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1535-1541
        (instance ?PLAN OperationPlan)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
        (instance ?OP MilitaryOperation)
        (result ?OP ?CBO))
    (represents ?PLAN ?OP))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1573-1580
        (instance ?PLAN Plan)
        (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ ?PLAN))
    (exists (?PLANNING)
            (instance ?PLANNING Planning)
            (result ?PLANNING ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 16873-16881
        (instance ?PLANNING JointOperationPlanning)
        (result ?PLANNING ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO))
    (instance ?INFO OPLAN))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1812-1818
        (instance ?PROP Proposition)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PROP)
        (instance ?COMM Communication)
        (patient ?COMM ?CBO))
    (represents ?COMM ?PROP))
Geography.kif 3025-3032
        (instance ?SF SpeakingAtAFasterRate)
        (instance ?SS SpeakingAtASlowerRate)
        (instance ?U UnitOfDuration)
        (agent ?SF ?A)
        (agent ?SS ?A)
        (containsInformation ?SF ?I)
        (containsInformation ?SS ?I)
            (WhenFn ?SF)
            (MeasureFn ?FAST ?U))
            (WhenFn ?SS)
            (MeasureFn ?SLOW ?U)))
    (greaterThan ?FAST ?SLOW))
emotion.kif 2016-2029
        (instance ?X Photocopier)
        (instrument ?COPY ?X)
        (instance ?COPY Photocopying)
        (patient ?COPY ?OBJ1)
        (instance ?OBJ1 TwoDimensionalObject)
        (instance ?OBJ1 VisualContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO))
    (exists (?OBJ2 ?SHEET)
            (result ?COPY ?OBJ2)
            (instance ?OBJ2 TwoDimensionalObject)
            (instance ?OBJ2 VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO)
            (located ?OBJ2 ?SHEET)
            (instance ?SHEET PrintedSheet))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26563-26579
        (subclass ?PUB JointPublication)
        (instance ?ONE ?PUB)
        (containsInformation ?ONE ?CONTENT)
        (authors ?JORG ?PUB))
    (exists (?ORG)
            (subOrganization ?ORG USMilitary)
            (confersObligation ?CONTENT ?JORG ?ORG))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 940-949
        (subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO))
    (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO))
Merge.kif 4590-4594


        (instance ?COPY Photocopying)
        (patient ?COPY ?OBJ1)
        (instance ?OBJ1 VisualContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO1))
    (exists (?OBJ2 ?INFO2)
            (result ?COPY ?OBJ2)
            (instance ?OBJ2 VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO2)
            (equal ?INFO1 ?INFO2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26593-26604 A process is an instance of photocopying and a content bearing physical is a patient of the process and the content bearing physical is an instance of visual content bearing object and the content bearing physical contains information a proposition if and only if there exist another content bearing physical and another proposition such that the other content bearing physical is a result of the process and the other content bearing physical is an instance of visual content bearing object and the other content bearing physical contains information the other proposition and the proposition is equal to the other proposition
    (agreementClause ?PROP ?ATTR ?AGREEMENT ?AGENT)
        (exists (?CLAUSE)
            (containsInformation ?CLAUSE ?PROP))
        (partyToAgreement ?AGENT ?AGREEMENT)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14290-14295
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
        (suffrageAgeMaximum ?AREA ?AGE))
    (exists (?AGERULE)
            (instance ?AGERULE VoterAgeRequirement)
            (subProposition ?AGERULE
                (RegionalLawFn ?AREA))
                (suffrageAgeMaximum ?AREA ?AGE) ?AGERULE))))
Government.kif 993-1002
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
        (suffrageAgeMinimum ?AREA ?AGE))
    (exists (?AGERULE)
            (instance ?AGERULE VoterAgeRequirement)
            (subProposition ?AGERULE
                (RegionalLawFn ?AREA))
                (suffrageAgeMinimum ?AREA ?AGE) ?AGERULE))))
Government.kif 921-930
        (instance ?ARGUMENT ValidDeductiveArgument)
        (equal ?PREMISES
            (PremisesFn ?ARGUMENT))
        (conclusion ?CONCLUSION ?ARGUMENT))
    (exists (?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2)
            (containsInformation ?FORMULA1 ?PREMISES)
            (containsInformation ?FORMULA2 ?CONCLUSION)
            (entails ?PREMISES ?CONCLUSION))))
Merge.kif 16913-16922
        (instance ?C Confirming)
        (agent ?C ?A)
        (containsInformation ?C ?P))
    (exists (?S ?RA ?A2)
            (instance ?S Stating)
            (earlier ?S ?C)
            (instance ?RA ReachingAgreement)
            (agent ?S ?A2)
            (containsInformation ?RA ?P)
            (containsInformation ?S ?P)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29923-29937
        (instance ?DECODE Decoding)
        (patient ?DECODE ?DOC1))
    (exists (?ENCODE ?DOC2 ?TIME ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC2 ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC1 ?PROP)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                    (WhenFn ?DECODE)))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (instance ?ENCODE Encoding)
                    (patient ?ENCODE ?DOC2))))))
Merge.kif 12761-12774
        (instance ?EVENT Planning)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject))
    (exists (?PLAN)
            (instance ?PLAN Plan)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN))))
Merge.kif 10874-10882
        (instance ?H Hallucination)
        (experiencer ?H ?P))
    (exists (?PER ?PROP)
            (instance ?PER Perception)
            (experiencer ?PER ?P)
            (causes ?H ?PER)
            (containsInformation ?PER ?PROP)
            (truth ?PROP False))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6423-6433
        (instance ?INTERPRET Interpreting)
        (agent ?INTERPRET ?AGENT)
        (patient ?INTERPRET ?CONTENT)
        (instance ?CONTENT ContentBearingObject))
    (exists (?PROP)
                (WhenFn ?INTERPRET))
            (believes ?AGENT
                (containsInformation ?CONTENT ?PROP)))))
Merge.kif 10897-10904
        (instance ?P Decoding)
        (agent ?P ?A))
    (exists (?CODE)
            (knows ?A ?CODE)
            (exists (?OBJ)
                    (instrument ?P ?OBJ)
                    (containsInformation ?OBJ ?CODE))))))
QoSontology.kif 2287-2297
        (instance ?P Encoding)
        (agent ?P ?A))
    (exists (?CODE)
            (knows ?A ?CODE)
            (exists (?OBJ)
                    (instrument ?P ?OBJ)
                    (containsInformation ?OBJ ?CODE))))))
QoSontology.kif 2275-2285
        (instance ?PLAN Plan)
        (instance ?PROC Process)
        (represents ?PLAN ?PROC))
    (exists (?PLANNING ?CBO)
            (instance ?PLANNING Planning)
            (instance ?CBO ContentBearingPhysical)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
            (result ?PLANNING ?CBO)
                    (WhenFn ?PLANNING))
                    (WhenFn ?PROC)))
                    (WhenFn ?PLANNING))
                    (WhenFn ?PROC))))))
Military.kif 32-44
        (instance ?POLICY ChildrenPolicy)
        (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY)
        (policyLocationCoverage ?POLICY ?LOC))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?CUST1)
                        (customer ?CUST1 ?AGENT)
                        (instance ?CUST1 HumanChild))) Possibility))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                    (exists (?CUST2)
                            (customer ?CUST2 ?AGENT)
                            (instance ?CUST2 HumanChild))) Possibility)))))
Hotel.kif 2535-2553
        (instance ?POLICY PetPolicy)
        (policyLocationCoverage ?POLICY ?LOC))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?PET1)
                        (instance ?PET1 DomesticAnimal)
                        (located ?PET1 ?LOC))) Permission))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?PET2)
                        (instance ?PET2 DomesticAnimal)
                        (located ?PET2 ?LOC))) Prohibition))))
Hotel.kif 2512-2528
        (instance ?POLICY SmokingPolicy)
        (policyLocationCoverage ?POLICY ?LOC))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?SMOKE1)
                        (instance ?SMOKE1 Smoking)
                        (located ?SMOKE1 ?LOC))) Permission))
        (containsInformation ?POLICY
                (exists (?SMOKE2)
                        (instance ?SMOKE2 Smoking)
                        (located ?SMOKE2 ?LOC))) Prohibition))))
Hotel.kif 2489-2505
        (instance ?PROP Proposition)
        (instance ?TEXT
            (DocumentFn ?PROP)))
    (exists (?DOC)
        (containsInformation ?DOC ?TEXT)))
Geography.kif 3018-3023
        (instance ?S LegalSummons)
        (patient ?S ?O)
        (destination ?S ?P))
    (exists (?C ?T)
            (instance ?C CourtRoom)
            (containsInformation ?O
                    (holdsDuring ?T
                        (located ?P ?C)) Law)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16445-16457
        (instance ?X Photocopier)
        (instrument ?COPY ?X)
        (instance ?COPY Photocopying)
        (patient ?COPY ?OBJ1)
        (instance ?OBJ1 TwoDimensionalObject)
        (instance ?OBJ1 VisualContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO))
    (exists (?OBJ2 ?SHEET)
            (result ?COPY ?OBJ2)
            (instance ?OBJ2 TwoDimensionalObject)
            (instance ?OBJ2 VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO)
            (located ?OBJ2 ?SHEET)
            (instance ?SHEET PrintedSheet))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26563-26579
        (subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO))
    (containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO))
Merge.kif 4590-4594
    (dateOfStatement ?Statement ?Date)
    (exists (?Copy)
            (containsInformation ?Copy ?Statement)
            (date ?Copy ?Date))))
FinancialOntology.kif 4031-4036
    (finalExperimentReport ?CBP ?EXPERIMENT)
    (exists (?RESULT)
            (result ?EXPERIMENT ?RESULT)
            (containsInformation ?CBP ?RESULT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2702-2707
    (instance ?ACTION CriminalAction)
    (exists (?LAW ?CONTENT ?CRIME)
            (modalAttribute ?LAW Law)
            (containsInformation ?LAW ?CONTENT)
            (realization ?ACTION ?CRIME)
                (consistent ?CONTENT ?CRIME)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14080-14087
    (instance ?ARGUE Arguing)
    (exists (?STATEMENT ?ARGUMENT)
            (patient ?ARGUE ?STATEMENT)
            (instance ?STATEMENT Statement)
            (containsInformation ?STATEMENT ?ARGUMENT)
            (instance ?ARGUMENT Argument))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 902-909
    (instance ?BEST_OFFER BestOffering)
        (containsInformation ?BEST_OFFER
            (exists (?BUYING ?AGENT ?OBJECT ?MONEY1 ?U)
                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                    (agent ?BUYING ?AGENT)
                    (patient ?BUYING ?OBJECT)
                    (transactionAmount ?BUYING
                        (MeasureFn ?MONEY1 ?U)))))
            (exists (?OFFER2)
                (containsInformation ?OFFER2
                    (exists (?BUYING2 ?AGENT2 ?MONEY2)
                            (instance ?BUYING2 Buying)
                            (agent ?BUYING2 ?AGENT2)
                            (patient ?BUYING2 ?OBJECT)
                            (transactionAmount ?BUYING2
                                (MeasureFn ?MONEY2 ?U))
                            (greaterThan ?MONEY2 ?MONEY1))))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1654-1675

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


    (exists (?X ?CUT ?PAPER ?CBO ?INFO)
            (instance ?X PaperShredder)
            (instance ?CUT Cutting)
            (instrument ?CUT ?X)
            (instance ?PAPER Paper)
            (patient ?CUT ?PAPER)
            (located ?CBO ?PAPER)
            (instance ?CBO VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO)))
    (exists (?READ)
            (instance ?READ Interpreting)
            (patient ?READ ?INFO)
                (WhenFn ?CUT)
                (WhenFn ?READ)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18460-18477 There exist ?X, ?CUT,, , ?PAPER,, , ?CBO and ?INFO such that ?X is an instance of paper shredder and ?CUT is an instance of cutting and ?X is an instrument for ?CUT and ?PAPER is an instance of paper and ?PAPER is a patient of ?CUT and ?CBO is located at ?PAPER and ?CBO is an instance of visual content bearing object and ?CBO contains information ?INFO decreases likelihood of there exists ?READ such that ?READ is an instance of interpreting and ?INFO is a patient of ?READ and the time of existence of ?CUT happens earlier than the time of existence of ?READ

appearance as argument number 0

                (instance ?ELECTION
                    (ElectionFn ?AGENT))
                (instance ?VOTING
                    (VotingFn ?ELECTION))
                (agent ?VOTING ?VOTER))
            (attribute ?VOTER Male))) ExclusiveMaleSuffrage)
Government.kif 1205-1212 For all ?AGENT, ?VOTER,, , ?ELECTION and ?VOTING contains information exclusive male suffrage
                (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)
                (instance ?ELECTION
                    (ElectionFn ?COUNTRY))
                (instance ?VOTING
                    (VotingFn ?ELECTION))
                (agent ?VOTING ?VOTER))
            (citizen ?VOTER ?COUNTRY))) VoterCitizenshipRequirement)
Government.kif 887-895 For all ?COUNTRY, ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTING and ?VOTER contains information voter citizenship requirement
                (citizen ?AGENT ?POLITY)
                (suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY
                    (MeasureFn ?VOTINGAGE YearDuration))
                (age ?AGENT
                    (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?VOTINGAGE)
                (instance ?ELECTION
                    (ElectionFn ?POLITY)))
                (VotingFn ?ELECTION) agent ?AGENT))) UniversalSuffrageLaw)
Government.kif 1056-1067 For all ?POLITY, ?AGENT,, , ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTINGAGE and ?AGE contains information universal suffrage law
                (citizen ?VOTER ?POLITY)
                (suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY
                    (MeasureFn ?VOTINGAGE YearDuration))
                (age ?VOTER
                    (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?VOTINGAGE)
                (instance ?ELECTION
                    (ElectionFn ?POLITY)))
            (exists (?VOTING)
                    (instance ?VOTING
                        (VotingFn ?ELECTION))
                    (agent ?VOTING ?VOTER))))) CompulsorySuffrageLaw)
Government.kif 1124-1138 For all ?POLITY, ?VOTER,, , ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTINGAGE and ?AGE contains information compulsory suffrage law

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