citizen |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation citizen ChineseLanguage "(citizen ?PERSON ?NATION)的意思是 Human ?PERSON 是 Nation ?NATION 公民。") | chinese_format.kif 3754-3755 | |
(documentation citizen EnglishLanguage "(citizen ?PERSON ?NATION) means that the Human ?PERSON is a citizen of Nation ?NATION.") | Merge.kif 16825-16826 | |
(domain citizen 1 Human) | Merge.kif 16823-16823 | The number 1 argument of citizen is an instance of human |
(domain citizen 2 Nation) | Merge.kif 16824-16824 | The number 2 argument of citizen is an instance of nation |
(instance citizen AsymmetricRelation) | Merge.kif 16822-16822 | citizen is an instance of asymmetric relation |
(instance citizen BinaryPredicate) | Merge.kif 16821-16821 | citizen is an instance of binary predicate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage citizen "%1 %n 是 %2 的 citizen") | chinese_format.kif 553-553 | |
(format EnglishLanguage citizen "%1 is %n a citizen of %2") | english_format.kif 558-558 | |
(format FrenchLanguage citizen "%1 est %n un citoyen de %2") | french_format.kif 324-324 | |
(format ItalianLanguage citizen "%1 è uncittadino di %2") | relations-it.txt 44-44 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage citizen "%1 は %2% の citizen では %n") | japanese_format.kif 2092-2092 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage citizen "%1 e' %n um cidadao de %2") | portuguese_format.kif 276-276 | |
(format de citizen "%1 ist der buerger von %2") | relations-de.txt 724-724 | |
(format hi citizen "%1 %2 kaa naagarika hai") | relations-hindi.txt 86-86 | |
(format ro citizen "%1 %n{nu} este un citizen%t{cetãþean} al lui %2") | relations-ro.kif 345-345 | |
(format sv citizen "%1 är %n{inte} en medborgare i %2") | relations-sv.txt 358-358 | |
(format tg citizen "%1 ay ang mamamayan ng %2") | relations-cb.txt 78-78 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage citizen "公民") | chinese_format.kif 554-554 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage citizen "公民") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 14896-14896 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage citizen "citizen") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 14895-14895 | |
(termFormat tg citizen "mamamayan") | relations-tg.txt 105-105 |
antecedent |
consequent |
statement |
(containsInformation (forall (?COUNTRY ?ELECTION ?VOTING ?VOTER) (=> (and (instance ?COUNTRY Nation) (instance ?ELECTION (ElectionFn ?COUNTRY)) (instance ?VOTING (VotingFn ?ELECTION)) (agent ?VOTING ?VOTER)) (citizen ?VOTER ?COUNTRY))) VoterCitizenshipRequirement) |
Government.kif 887-895 | For all ?COUNTRY, ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTING and ?VOTER
(containsInformation (forall (?POLITY ?AGENT ?ELECTION ?VOTINGAGE ?AGE) (=> (and (citizen ?AGENT ?POLITY) (suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY (MeasureFn ?VOTINGAGE YearDuration)) (age ?AGENT (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?VOTINGAGE) (instance ?ELECTION (ElectionFn ?POLITY))) (capability (VotingFn ?ELECTION) agent ?AGENT))) UniversalSuffrageLaw) |
Government.kif 1056-1067 | For all ?POLITY, ?AGENT,, , ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTINGAGE and ?AGE
(containsInformation (forall (?POLITY ?VOTER ?ELECTION ?VOTINGAGE ?AGE) (=> (and (citizen ?VOTER ?POLITY) (suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY (MeasureFn ?VOTINGAGE YearDuration)) (age ?VOTER (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?VOTINGAGE) (instance ?ELECTION (ElectionFn ?POLITY))) (exists (?VOTING) (and (instance ?VOTING (VotingFn ?ELECTION)) (agent ?VOTING ?VOTER))))) CompulsorySuffrageLaw) |
Government.kif 1124-1138 | For all ?POLITY, ?VOTER,, , ?ELECTION,, , ?VOTINGAGE and ?AGE