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Sigma KEE - cardinality

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation cardinality EnglishLanguage "(cardinality ?SET ?NUMBER) means that there are ?NUMBER of elements in the SetOrClass ?SET.") Government.kif 403-404
(domain cardinality 1 SetOrClass) Government.kif 400-400 The number 1 argument of cardinality is an instance of set or class
(domain cardinality 2 NonnegativeInteger) Government.kif 401-401 The number 2 argument of cardinality is an instance of nonnegative integer
(instance cardinality BinaryPredicate) Government.kif 399-399 cardinality is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage cardinality "%2 %n 是 %1 的 cardinality") domainEnglishFormat.kif 376-376
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage cardinality "%2 %n 是 %1 的 cardinality") domainEnglishFormat.kif 375-375
(format EnglishLanguage cardinality "%2 is %n a cardinality of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 374-374
(termFormat ChineseLanguage cardinality "基数") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13206-13206
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage cardinality "基數") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13205-13205
(termFormat EnglishLanguage cardinality "cardinality") domainEnglishFormat.kif 13204-13204


    (cardinality ?SET ?COUNT)
        (CardinalityFn ?SET) ?COUNT))
Government.kif 406-408


    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA
        (ExtensionFn AirportWithPavedRunway) ?COUNT)
    (exists (?AIRPORT ?RUNWAY)
            (KappaFn ?AIRPORT
                    (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
                    (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway)
                    (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
                    (located ?AIRPORT ?AREA))) ?COUNT)))
Transportation.kif 1277-1287 A geographic area is total facility type in area the class corresponding to airport with paved runway for a nonnegative integer if and only if there exist a symbolic string and an entity such that the nonnegative integer is a cardinality of the class described by the symbolic string
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT)
        (KappaFn ?ITEM
                (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
                (located ?ITEM ?AREA))) ?COUNT))
Transportation.kif 1221-1228 A geographic area is total facility type in area a class for a nonnegative integer if and only if the nonnegative integer is a cardinality of the class described by a symbolic string
        (instance ?SET SetOrClass)
            (CardinalityFn ?SET) ?COUNT))
    (cardinality ?SET ?COUNT))
Government.kif 410-414

appearance as argument number 0

    (ExtensionFn DevelopedCountry) 35)
Economy.kif 144-144 35 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to developed country
    (ExtensionFn DevelopingCountry) 126)
Economy.kif 613-613 126 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to developing country
    (ExtensionFn LeastDevelopedCountry) 42)
Economy.kif 405-405 42 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to least developed country
    (ExtensionFn LessDevelopedCountry) 172)
Economy.kif 229-229 172 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to less developed country

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