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Sigma KEE - YellowFeverVirus
YellowFeverVirus(yellow fever virus)

appearance as argument number 1

(biochemicalAgentSyndrome YellowFeverVirus Fever) WMD.kif 1174-1174 Fever is a biochemical agent syndrome of yellow fever virus
(biochemicalAgentSyndrome YellowFeverVirus YellowSkin) WMD.kif 1175-1175 Yellow skin is a biochemical agent syndrome of yellow fever virus
(documentation YellowFeverVirus EnglishLanguage "A Virus that can result in chills, fever, stomach bleeding, and YellowSkin.") WMD.kif 1176-1177 Yellow skin is a biochemical agent syndrome of yellow fever virus
(externalImage YellowFeverVirus " 4/ 45/ YellowFeverVirus.jpg") pictureList.kif 4855-4855 Yellow skin is a biochemical agent syndrome of yellow fever virus
(externalImage YellowFeverVirus " 6/ 6b/ Yellow_fever_Africa_2005.png") pictureList.kif 9861-9861 Yellow skin is a biochemical agent syndrome of yellow fever virus
(subclass YellowFeverVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1173-1173 Yellow fever virus is a subclass of viral agent

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage YellowFeverVirus "黄热病病毒") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63812-63812
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage YellowFeverVirus "黃熱病病毒") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63811-63811
(termFormat EnglishLanguage YellowFeverVirus "yellow fever virus") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63810-63810


        (instance ?VIRUS1 FootAndMouthVirus)
        (instance ?VIRUS2 YellowFeverVirus))
    (smaller ?VIRUS1 ?VIRUS2))
WMD.kif 1189-1193
    (instance ?VIRUS YellowFeverVirus)
    (exists (?NUMBER)
            (width ?VIRUS
                (MeasureFn ?NUMBER Meter))
            (equal ?NUMBER 0.00000002))))
WMD.kif 1179-1184

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