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Sigma KEE - WorldConfederationOfLabor
WorldConfederationOfLabor(world confederation of labor)

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished WorldConfederationOfLabor
    (DayFn 19
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1920))))
Government.kif 4290-4290 The day 19 is a date established of world confederation of labor
(documentation WorldConfederationOfLabor EnglishLanguage "The WorldConfederationOfLabor was previously named the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions. It was renamed on October 4, 1968.") Government.kif 4295-4297 The day 19 is a date established of world confederation of labor
(instance WorldConfederationOfLabor OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 4287-4287 World confederation of labor is an instance of organization of nations
(organizationalObjective WorldConfederationOfLabor PromoteTradeUnionism) Government.kif 4293-4293 Promote trade unionism is an organizational objective of world confederation of labor

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "WCL" WorldConfederationOfLabor) Government.kif 4289-4289 "WCL" is an abbreviation of world confederation of labor
(conventionalLongName "World Confederation of Labor" WorldConfederationOfLabor) Government.kif 4288-4288 World confederation of labor is a conventional long name of "World Confederation of Labor"
(formerName "IFCTU" WorldConfederationOfLabor) Government.kif 4292-4292 "IFCTU" is a former name for world confederation of labor
(formerName "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" WorldConfederationOfLabor) Government.kif 4291-4291 "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" is a former name for world confederation of labor
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WorldConfederationOfLabor "世界劳工联合会") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63514-63514 "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" is a former name for world confederation of labor
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WorldConfederationOfLabor "世界勞工聯合會") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63513-63513 "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" is a former name for world confederation of labor
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WorldConfederationOfLabor "world confederation of labor") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63512-63512 "International Federation of Christian Trade Unions" is a former name for world confederation of labor

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