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Sigma KEE - WeatherProcess
WeatherProcess(weather process)
atmospheric_condition, cold_wave, conditions, elements, equinoctial_storm, heat_wave, line_storm, wave, weather, weather_condition

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint WeatherProcess IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 11232-11232 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation WeatherProcess ChineseLanguage "WeatherProcess 是涉及天气意义最宽博的过程类别, 它包括天气季节(请不要和 SeasonOfYear 的实例混淆),天气系统和短期天气事件。") chinese_format.kif 3017-3018 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation WeatherProcess EnglishLanguage "WeatherProcess is the broadest class of processes that involve weather, including weather seasons (not to be confused with instances of SeasonOfYear), weather systems, and short-term weather events.") Merge.kif 11234-11237 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(documentation WeatherProcess JapaneseLanguage "WeatherProcess は、気象シーズンを含む最も 広範なプロセスクラスである (SeasonOfYear、気象システム、短期気象イベントのインスタンスと混同し ないよう注意)。") japanese_format.kif 1781-1783 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(externalImage WeatherProcess " weather/ showers.png") pictureList.kif 2060-2060 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(externalImage WeatherProcess " a/ a9/ Polarlicht.jpg") pictureList.kif 8793-8793 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(externalImage WeatherProcess " d/ da/ Rolling-thunder-cloud.jpg") pictureList.kif 9812-9812 Weather process is disjoint from intentional process
(subclass WeatherProcess Motion) Merge.kif 11231-11231 Weather process is a subclass of motion

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AtmosphericHazing WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2545-2545 Atmospheric hazing is a subclass of weather process
(subclass ClearWeather WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 861-861 Clear weather is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Desertification WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2467-2467 Desertification is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Drought WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2449-2449 Drought is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Fogging WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2516-2516 Fog is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Frosting WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2762-2762 Frosting is a subclass of weather process
(subclass HeavySurf WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 1537-1537 Heavy zone is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Icing WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2494-2494 Icing is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Lightning WeatherProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3031-3031 Lightning is a subclass of weather process
(subclass OvercastWeather WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 911-911 Overcast weather is a subclass of weather process
(subclass PartlyCloudyWeather WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 884-884 Partly cloudy weather is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Precipitation WeatherProcess) Merge.kif 11239-11239 Precipitation is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Storm WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2872-2872 Storm is a subclass of weather process
(subclass StormSystem WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 794-794 Storm system is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Thunder WeatherProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3043-3043 Thunder is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Tsunami WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 2442-2442 Tsunami is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Waterspout WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 828-828 Waterspout is a subclass of weather process
(subclass WeatherFront WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 796-796 Weather front is a subclass of weather process
(subclass WeatherSeason WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 491-491 Weather season is a subclass of weather process
(subclass WeatherSystem WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 509-509 Weather system is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Wind WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 1225-1225 Wind is a subclass of weather process
(subclass Zud WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 1313-1313 Zud is a subclass of weather process
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WeatherProcess "天气过程") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62638-62638 Zud is a subclass of weather process
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WeatherProcess "天氣過程") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62637-62637 Zud is a subclass of weather process
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WeatherProcess "weather process") domainEnglishFormat.kif 62636-62636 Zud is a subclass of weather process

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain precipitationState 1 WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 1170-1170 The number 1 argument of precipitation state is an instance of weather process
(domainSubclass weatherThreat 1 WeatherProcess) Weather.kif 3209-3209 The number 1 argument of weather threat is a subclass of weather process


    (instance ?WA WeatherAssessment)
    (containsFormula ?WA
        (exists (?R ?A ?WP)
                (instance ?R Reasoning)
                (instance ?A CognitiveAgent)
                (agent ?R ?A)
                (instance ?WP WeatherProcess)
                (patient ?R ?WP)
                (result ?R ?WA)
                    (WhenFn ?WP)
                    (WhenFn ?WA))))))
Weather.kif 3173-3184
    (instance ?WF WeatherForecast)
    (containsInformation ?WF
        (exists (?A)
            (believes ?A
                (exists (?WP)
                        (instance ?WP WeatherProcess)
                                (WhenFn ?WF))
                            (WhenFn ?WP))))))))
Weather.kif 3192-3202

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