VentedChestSeal(vented chest seal) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation VentedChestSeal EnglishLanguage "A ChestSeal designed to seal a wound in the Chest, ameliorating a Pneumothorax, by allowing Air to escape through the wound but not reenter it.") | Medicine.kif 847-849 | |
(subclass VentedChestSeal ChestSeal) | Medicine.kif 846-846 | Vented chest seal is a subclass of chest seal |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(partType Valve VentedChestSeal) | Medicine.kif 850-850 | partType valve and vented chest seal |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VentedChestSeal "vented chest seal") | Medicine.kif 851-851 |
antecedent |