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Sigma KEE - Valve
ball_valve, butterfly_valve, valve

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Valve EnglishLanguage "A Device that regulates, directs or controls the FlowFn of a Fluid (Gas, Liquid, fluidized solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. (Wikipedia)") engineering.kif 1224-1224
(externalImage Valve " b/ b5/ Water_valves_with_spigots.jpg/ 200px-Water_valves_with_spigots.jpg") pictureList.kif 1283-1283
(lexicon Valve LexNoun "valve") engineering.kif 1225-1225
(partType Valve VentedChestSeal) Medicine.kif 850-850 partType valve and vented chest seal
(partTypes Valve Faucet) engineering.kif 1247-1247 Every valve is a part of a faucet
(partTypes Valve Tube) engineering.kif 1248-1248 Every valve is a part of a tube
(subclass Valve EngineeringComponent) engineering.kif 1226-1226 Valve is a subclass of engineering component
(subclass Valve FluidPowerDevice) engineering.kif 1227-1227 Valve is a subclass of fluid power device

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BleederValve Valve) Cars.kif 1551-1551 Bleeder valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass DirectionalControlValve Valve) engineering.kif 1271-1271 Directional control valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass ExhaustValve Valve) Cars.kif 2641-2641 Exhaust valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass IntakeValve Valve) Cars.kif 2666-2666 Intake valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass ManifoldHeatControlValve Valve) Cars.kif 3315-3315 Manifold heat control valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass PositiveCrankcaseVentilationValve Valve) Cars.kif 3871-3871 Positive crankcase ventilation valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass PressureControlValve Valve) engineering.kif 1280-1280 Pressure control valve is a subclass of valve
(subclass SalineLock Valve) Medicine.kif 1099-1099 Saline lock is a subclass of valve
(subclass VolumeControlValve Valve) engineering.kif 1290-1290 Volume control valve is a subclass of valve
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Valve "阀") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61239-61239 Volume control valve is a subclass of valve
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Valve "閥") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61238-61238 Volume control valve is a subclass of valve
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Valve "valve") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61237-61237 Volume control valve is a subclass of valve


    (instance ?V Valve)
    (hasPurpose ?V
        (exists (?FLUID ?PROC ?FLOW)
                (instance ?FLOW Transfer)
                (path ?FLOW ?V)
                (patient ?FLOW ?FLUID)
                (attribute ?FLUID Fluid)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (instrument ?PROC ?V)
                (patient ?PROC ?FLOW)))))
engineering.kif 1228-1239


    (instance ?B Bugle)
        (exists (?V)
                (instance ?V Valve)
                (part ?V ?B)))))
Music.kif 1281-1287
    (instance ?GF GreaseFitting)
    (exists (?V)
            (instance ?V Valve)
            (part ?V ?GF))))
Cars.kif 3071-3076
    (instance ?RA RockerArm)
    (hasPurpose ?RA
        (exists (?P1 ?C ?P2 ?V ?O ?FSE)
                (instance ?P1 Pushing)
                (instance ?C Cam)
                (instance ?P2 Pushing)
                (instance ?V Valve)
                (instance ?O Opening)
                (instance ?FSE FourStrokeEngine)
                (part ?RA ?FSE)
                (part ?C ?FSE)
                (part ?V ?FSE)
                (instrument ?P1 ?C)
                (destination ?P1 ?RA)
                (instrument ?P2 ?RA)
                (destination ?P2 ?V)
                (causes ?P1 ?P2)
                (causes ?P2 ?O)
                (patient ?O ?V)))))
Cars.kif 3904-3924

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