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Sigma KEE - UnitedNations
UnitedNations(united nations)
UN, United_Nations

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished UnitedNations
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1945))))
Government.kif 3836-3836 The day 26 is a date established of united nations
(documentation UnitedNations EnglishLanguage "The UnitedNations has six principal subOrganizations: the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council (currently inactive), and the International Court of Justice. The United Nations has numerous subordinate agencies and bodies within those six major subdivisions.") Government.kif 3843-3848
(externalImage UnitedNations " flags/ miscellany/ unitednations.png") pictureList.kif 813-813
(instance UnitedNations OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 3833-3833 United nations is an instance of organization of nations
(organizationalObjective UnitedNations CulturalCooperation) Government.kif 3841-3841 Cultural cooperation is an organizational objective of united nations
(organizationalObjective UnitedNations EconomicDevelopment) Government.kif 3838-3838 Economic development is an organizational objective of united nations
(organizationalObjective UnitedNations HumanitarianAid) Government.kif 3840-3840 Humanitarian aid is an organizational objective of united nations
(organizationalObjective UnitedNations InternationalPeaceAndSecurity) Government.kif 3837-3837 International peace and security is an organizational objective of united nations
(organizationalObjective UnitedNations SocialDevelopment) Government.kif 3839-3839 Social development is an organizational objective of united nations

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "UN" UnitedNations) Government.kif 3835-3835 "UN" is an abbreviation of united nations
(conventionalLongName "United Nations" UnitedNations) Government.kif 3834-3834 United nations is a conventional long name of "United Nations"
(subOrganization EconomicAndSocialCouncil UnitedNations) Government.kif 3040-3040 Economic and social council is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalBankForReconstructionAndDevelopment UnitedNations) Government.kif 3380-3380 International bank for reconstruction and development is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalCivilAviationOrganization UnitedNations) Government.kif 3394-3394 International civil aviation organization is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalCourtOfJustice UnitedNations) Government.kif 3421-3421 International court of justice is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalDevelopmentAssociation UnitedNations) Government.kif 3454-3454 International development association is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalFinanceCorporation UnitedNations) Government.kif 3479-3479 International finance corporation is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalFundForAgriculturalDevelopment UnitedNations) Government.kif 3493-3493 International fund for agricultural development is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalLaborOrganization UnitedNations) Government.kif 3508-3508 International labor organization is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalMaritimeOrganization UnitedNations) Government.kif 3525-3525 International maritime organization is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalMonetaryFund UnitedNations) Government.kif 3532-3532 International monetary fund is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization InternationalTelecommunicationUnion UnitedNations) Government.kif 3582-3582 International telecommunication union is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly UnitedNations) Government.kif 3911-3911 United nations general assembly is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization UnitedNationsSecretariat UnitedNations) Government.kif 4134-4134 United nations secretariat is a part of the organization united nations
(subOrganization UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil UnitedNations) Government.kif 4146-4146 United nations security council is a part of the organization united nations
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UnitedNations "联合国") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60064-60064
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage UnitedNations "聯合國") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60063-60063
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UnitedNations "united nations") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60062-60062

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