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Sigma KEE - UnilateralGiving
UnilateralGiving(unilateral giving)
Academy_Award, Air_Medal, ArtsD, Bronze_Star, Bronze_Star_Medal, Christmas_box, Christmas_gift, Christmas_present, Congressional_Medal_of_Honor, Croix_de_Guerre, D.A., DS, Distinguished_Conduct_Medal, Distinguished_Flying_Cross, Distinguished_Service_Cross, Distinguished_Service_Medal, Distinguished_Service_Order, Doctor_of_Arts, Doctor_of_Fine_Arts, Doctor_of_Humane_Letters, Doctor_of_Humanities, Doctor_of_Laws, Doctor_of_Science, LLD, Medaille_Militaire, Medal_of_Honor, Navy_Cross, Nobel_prize, Oak_Leaf_Cluster, Order_of_the_Purple_Heart, Oscar, Peter's_pence, Purple_Heart, ScD, Silver_Star, Silver_Star_Medal, Victoria_Cross, abandon, abandonment, addiction, alms, alms-giving, almsgiving, appointment, award, awarding, benefaction, bestow, bestowal, bestowment...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation UnilateralGiving ChineseLanguage "这是任何不属于 Transaction 的一部分 Giving 的实例。换句话说,任何没有回报 Giving 的实例。一些 UnilateralGiving 例子有荣誉奖、礼物和财政补助 等等。") chinese_format.kif 3079-3081
(documentation UnilateralGiving EnglishLanguage "Any instance of Giving that is not part of a Transaction. In other words, any instance of Giving where nothing is received in return. Some examples of UnilateralGiving are: honorary awards, gifts, and financial grants.") Merge.kif 11757-11760
(documentation UnilateralGiving JapaneseLanguage "Transaction の一部ではない Giving のイ ンスタンス。言い換えれば、見返りに何も受け取らない Giving のインスタンス。UnilateralGiving の例として、名誉賞、贈答品、および金銭的補助金などがある。") japanese_format.kif 1849-1851
(externalImage UnilateralGiving " 0/ 01/ Gift_giving_ceremony.jpg") pictureList.kif 10317-10317
(externalImage UnilateralGiving " 2/ 29/ Morgan_giving_lecture.png") pictureList.kif 12101-12101
(subclass UnilateralGiving Giving) Merge.kif 11755-11755 Unilateral giving is a subclass of giving

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept UnilateralGetting UnilateralGiving) Merge.kif 11834-11834 Unilateral getting is internally related to unilateral giving
(subclass Awarding UnilateralGiving) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18899-18899 Awarding is a subclass of unilateral giving
(subclass Bequeathing UnilateralGiving) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18933-18933 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat ChineseLanguage UnilateralGiving "单方面给予") chinese_format.kif 1134-1134 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UnilateralGiving "unilateral giving") english_format.kif 1485-1485 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat FrenchLanguage UnilateralGiving "donnation unilat�rale") french_format.kif 812-812 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat Hindi UnilateralGiving "ekashaakhiiya arpana") terms-hindi.txt 344-344 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat ItalianLanguage UnilateralGiving "Donazione") terms-it.txt 347-347 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage UnilateralGiving "一方的な寄付") japanese_format.kif 2496-2496 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage UnilateralGiving "Doacao Unilateral") portuguese_format.kif 764-764 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat cz UnilateralGiving "unilateral giving") terms-cz.txt 383-383 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat ro UnilateralGiving "donaþie") relations-ro.kif 833-833 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving
(termFormat tg UnilateralGiving "di-pareho sa pagbigay") terms-tg.txt 348-348 Bequeathing is a subclass of unilateral giving


    (instance ?GIVE UnilateralGiving)
        (exists (?TRANS)
                (instance ?TRANS Transaction)
                (subProcess ?GIVE ?TRANS)))))
Merge.kif 11762-11768


    (instance ?APP Application)
    (hasPurpose ?APP
        (exists (?JOIN ?GIVE)
                (instance ?JOIN JoiningAnOrganization)
                (instance ?GIVE UnilateralGiving)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14729-14735

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