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Sigma KEE - Touching
French_kiss, adhere, adjoin, arousal, autoeroticism, autoerotism, ballottement, blowjob, boost_up, brace, brush, brushed, canoodle, caress, caressing, chafe, choke, chuck, clasp, claw, cleave, clench, clinch, cling, cling_to, close, clutch, cock_sucking, cohere, collar, come_together, connection, connexion, contact, cradle, crease, cuddle, cuddling, cunnilinctus, cunnilingus, dab, dandle, deep_kiss, disturb, effleurage, elbow, expression, fall, feel, fellatio...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Touching ChineseLanguage "这是任何把两个 Object 拿到能够互相接触距离的 Transfer。") chinese_format.kif 3048-3049
(documentation Touching EnglishLanguage "Any Transfer where two Objects are brought into immediate physical contact with one another.") Merge.kif 11528-11529
(documentation Touching JapaneseLanguage "2つの Object が互いに直接物理的に接触する任意の Transfer 。") japanese_format.kif 1816-1817
(externalImage Touching " 1b/ Laughter_by_David_Shankbone.jpg") pictureList.kif 6924-6924
(subclass Touching Transfer) Merge.kif 11526-11526 Touching is a subclass of transfer

appearance as argument number 2

(biochemicalAgentDelivery BacillusAnthracis Touching) WMD.kif 284-284 Touching is a biochemical agent delivery of bacillus anthracis
(biochemicalAgentDelivery BacterialAgent Touching) WMD.kif 201-201 Touching is a biochemical agent delivery of bacterial agent
(biochemicalAgentDelivery BlisterAgent Touching) WMD.kif 476-476 Touching is a biochemical agent delivery of blister agent
(biochemicalAgentDelivery LassaVirus Touching) WMD.kif 1859-1859 Touching is a biochemical agent delivery of lassa virus
(subclass Catching Touching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17319-17319 Catching is a subclass of touching
(subclass Embracing Touching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11854-11854 Embracing is a subclass of touching
(subclass Grabbing Touching) Merge.kif 11549-11549 Grabbing is a subclass of touching
(subclass Impacting Touching) Merge.kif 11579-11579 Impacting is a subclass of touching
(subclass Kissing Touching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11818-11818 Kissing is a subclass of touching
(subclass Licking Touching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11843-11843 Licking is a subclass of touching
(subclass Massaging Touching) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5695-5695 Massaging is a subclass of touching
(subclass TouchSurfaceAction Touching) ComputerInput.kif 1534-1534 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Touching "接触") chinese_format.kif 1127-1127 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Touching "touching") english_format.kif 1471-1471 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Touching "toucher") french_format.kif 805-805 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat Hindi Touching "shparshana") terms-hindi.txt 337-337 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Touching "Toccare") terms-it.txt 340-340 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Touching "接触") japanese_format.kif 2489-2489 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Touching "Tocar") portuguese_format.kif 757-757 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat cb Touching "paghikam") terms-cb.txt 342-342 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat cz Touching "touching") terms-cz.txt 376-376 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat ro Touching "atingere") relations-ro.kif 826-826 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching
(termFormat tg Touching "hinihipo") terms-tg.txt 341-341 Touch surface action is a subclass of touching


        (instance ?TOUCH Touching)
        (agent ?TOUCH ?OBJ1)
        (patient ?TOUCH ?OBJ2))
                (WhenFn ?TOUCH))
                (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
                (WhenFn ?TOUCH))
            (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))))
Merge.kif 11531-11538


        (instance ?R BaseballRun)
        (agent ?R ?A))
    (exists (?T ?H)
            (instance ?T Touching)
            (subProcess ?T ?R)
            (agent ?T ?A)
            (patient ?T ?H)
            (instance ?H HomeBase))))
Sports.kif 624-634
    (instance ?HR BaseballRun)
    (exists (?T1 ?T2 ?T3 ?T4 ?B1 ?B2 ?B3 ?B4)
            (instance ?T1 Touching)
            (instance ?T2 Touching)
            (instance ?T3 Touching)
            (instance ?T4 Touching)
            (instance ?B1 BaseballBase)
            (instance ?B2 BaseballBase)
            (instance ?B3 BaseballBase)
            (instance ?B4 BaseballBase)
                (equal ?B1 ?B2))
                (equal ?B1 ?B3))
                (equal ?B1 ?B4))
                (equal ?B2 ?B3))
                (equal ?B2 ?B4))
                (equal ?B3 ?B4))
            (subProcess ?T1 ?HR)
            (subProcess ?T2 ?HR)
            (subProcess ?T3 ?HR)
            (subProcess ?T4 ?HR))))
Sports.kif 711-732
    (instance ?TACTILE TactilePerception)
    (exists (?TOUCH)
            (instance ?TOUCH Touching)
            (subProcess ?TOUCH ?TACTILE))))
Merge.kif 13684-13689

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