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Sigma KEE - TireChain
TireChain(snow chain)snow_chain, tire_chain

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TireChain EnglishLanguage "Any web of chains designed to be mounted covering a tire, to increase traction of the tire on soft surfaces. While primarily for use on snow in passenger vehicles, these devices can be used on any other soft surface for the same purpose.") Cars.kif 4501-4504
(subclass TireChain Device) Cars.kif 4498-4498 Snow chain is a subclass of device

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage TireChain "snow chain") Cars.kif 4500-4500
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TireChain "tire chain") Cars.kif 4499-4499


    (instance ?TC TireChain)
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Chain)
            (part ?C ?TC))))
Cars.kif 4506-4511
    (instance ?TC TireChain)
    (hasPurpose ?TC
        (exists (?V ?W ?F)
                (instance ?V RoadVehicle)
                (instance ?W Wheel)
                (part ?W ?V)
                (instance ?F Friction)
                (covers ?TC ?W)
                (instrument ?F ?TC)))))
Cars.kif 4513-4523

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