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Sigma KEE - Thursday
Corpus_Christi, Holy_Thursday, Maundy_Thursday, Th, Thursday

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Thursday ChineseLanguage "这是所有日历星期四的 Class。") chinese_format.kif 2811-2811
(documentation Thursday EnglishLanguage "The Class of all calendar Thursdays.") Merge.kif 9307-9307
(documentation Thursday JapaneseLanguage "すべてのカレンダー木曜日の Class。") japanese_format.kif 1552-1552
(externalImage Thursday " 23/ Thor.jpg") pictureList.kif 6921-6921
(externalImage Thursday " 33/ Blake_Holy_Thursday_1794.jpg") pictureList.kif 8082-8082
(subclass Thursday Day) Merge.kif 9305-9305 Thursday is a subclass of day
(successorClass Thursday Friday) Merge.kif 9076-9076 Friday is the successor class of Thursday.

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AscensionThursday Thursday) Media.kif 530-530 Ascension thursday is a subclass of Thursday
(subclass USThanksgivingDay Thursday) Media.kif 621-621 US thanksgiving day is a subclass of Thursday
(successorClass Wednesday Thursday) Merge.kif 9075-9075 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Thursday "星期四") chinese_format.kif 1293-1293 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Thursday "Thursday") english_format.kif 1803-1803 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Thursday "Jeudi") french_format.kif 971-971 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat Hindi Thursday "bQhaspativaara") terms-hindi.txt 506-506 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Thursday "Gioved�") terms-it.txt 510-510 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Thursday "木曜日") japanese_format.kif 2655-2655 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Thursday "Quinta-feira") portuguese_format.kif 923-923 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat cb Thursday "huwebes") terms-cb.txt 512-512 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat cz Thursday "thursday") terms-cz.txt 546-546 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat ro Thursday "joi") relations-ro.kif 992-992 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.
(termFormat tg Thursday "Huwebes") terms-tg.txt 511-511 Thursday is the successor class of Wednesday.


        (instance ?DAY1 Thursday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Friday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9322-9329
        (instance ?DAY1 Wednesday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Thursday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9309-9316

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