TelephoneLine(telephone line) | telegraph_line, telegraph_wire, telephone_line, telephone_wire |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation TelephoneLine EnglishLanguage "A WireLine that carries telephone signals and allows users of Telephones or Telegraphs to communicate with one another.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 3627-3628 | |
(externalImage TelephoneLine " telephone/ antenna.png") | pictureList.kif 1569-1569 | |
(subclass TelephoneLine WireLine) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 3626-3626 | Telephone line is a subclass of wire line |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TelephoneLine "电话线") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57351-57351 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TelephoneLine "電話線") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57350-57350 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TelephoneLine "telephone line") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57349-57349 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?TL TelephoneLine) (exists (?T1 ?T2) (and (or (instance ?T1 Telephone) (instance ?T1 Telegraph)) (or (instance ?T2 Telephone) (instance ?T2 Telegraph)) (not (equal ?T1 ?T2)) (connects ?TL ?T1 ?T2)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3630-3641 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?X Modem) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?ISP ?CONN) (and (instance ?ISP InternetServiceProvider) (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONN ?X ?ISP) (instance ?CONN TelephoneLine))))) |
Hotel.kif 1378-1385 |