Telephone(telephone) | extension, extension_phone, pay-phone, pay-station, phone, radiophone, radiotelephone, speakerphone, telephone, telephone_extension, telephone_set, wireless_telephone |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Telephone EnglishLanguage "A Telephone is a CommunicationDevice that enables LinguisticCommunication between nodes in a TelephoneSystem by converting sound into electrical signals that are then transmitted. When the signals are received, they are converted back into sound.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 2946-2950 | |
(externalImage Telephone " BW/ BW_4/ telephone_1.png") | pictureList.kif 774-774 | |
(subclass Telephone CommunicationDevice) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 2945-2945 | Telephone is a subclass of communication device |
(subclass Telephone ElectricDevice) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 2944-2944 | Telephone is a subclass of electric device |
(subclass Telephone TelephonyDevice) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24862-24862 | Telephone is a subclass of telephony device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass FixedPhone Telephone) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 25348-25348 | Fixed phone is a subclass of telephone |
(subclass MobileCellPhone Telephone) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 25351-25351 | Mobile cell phone is a subclass of telephone |
(subclass SatellitePhone Telephone) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 25358-25358 | Satellite phone is a subclass of telephone |
(subclass TDDPhone Telephone) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 26541-26541 | TDD phone is a subclass of telephone |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Telephone "电话") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57327-57327 | TDD phone is a subclass of telephone |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Telephone "電話") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57326-57326 | TDD phone is a subclass of telephone |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Telephone "telephone") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 57325-57325 | TDD phone is a subclass of telephone |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain phoneNumber 2 Telephone) | FinancialOntology.kif 3681-3681 | The number 2 argument of phone number is an instance of telephone |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?DEVICE Telephone) (holdsDuring ?TIME (and (possesses ?AGENT ?DEVICE) (deviceTelecomNumber ?NUMBER ?DEVICE)))) (holdsDuring ?TIME (telephoneNumber ?NUMBER ?AGENT))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25295-25302 |
consequent |