Tachometer(tachometer) | tach, tachograph, tachometer |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Tachometer EnglishLanguage "A Device for Measuring the number of RevolutionsPerMinute of an object, typically an Engine Crankshaft.") | Cars.kif 4076-4077 | |
(subclass Tachometer MeasuringDevice) | Cars.kif 4074-4074 | Tachometer is a subclass of measuring device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tachometer "tachometer") | Cars.kif 4075-4075 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?T Tachometer) (hasPurpose ?T (exists (?R ?M ?O) (and (instance ?R Rotating) (patient ?R ?O) (instance ?M Measuring) (instrument ?M ?T) (patient ?M ?O))))) |
Cars.kif 4079-4088 |