StructureAttribute(structure attribute) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation StructureAttribute ChineseLanguage "StructureAttribute 的每一个 subclass 表示物理实体结构的某些方面。每一个 StructureAttribute 的 instance 所指的都是和一些& %Physical 实体有关的结构体征。") | chinese_format.kif 3958-3960 | |
(documentation StructureAttribute EnglishLanguage "Each subclass of StructureAttribute denotes some facet of the structure of physical entities. Each instance of StructureAttribute denotes some structural characteristic that may pertain to some Physical entity.") | Merge.kif 17803-17806 | |
(subclass StructureAttribute InternalAttribute) | Merge.kif 17802-17802 | Structure attribute is a subclass of internal attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(instance Cantilever StructureAttribute) | engineering.kif 925-925 | Cantilever is an instance of structure attribute |
(subclass CrystallineStructure StructureAttribute) | Geography.kif 7128-7128 | Crystalline structure is a subclass of structure attribute |
(subclass ShapeAttribute StructureAttribute) | Merge.kif 17808-17808 | Shape attribute is a subclass of structure attribute |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StructureAttribute "structure attribute") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65571-65571 | Shape attribute is a subclass of structure attribute |