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Sigma KEE - Stating
Stating(stating)Annunciation, abjuration, abnegation, account, accounting, accurse, accusal, accusation, accuse, acknowledge, acquaint, acrophony, add, admission, admit, admonish, admonishment, admonition, adumbrate, advance, advise, advisory, affidavit, affirm, affirmation, affirmative, aforementioned, aforesaid, alibi, allegation, alleged, allegedly, allegement, amendment, anathematise, anathematize, anathemise, anathemize, anecdote, animatism, announcement, annunciatory, apologia, apology, append, appointment, apprisal, apprise, apprize, approbate...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Stating ChineseLanguage "这个 Class 的实例,它要求 agent 相信自己讲的话。 例如:约翰声称月亮是由奶酪制成的。") chinese_format.kif 3258-3259
(documentation Stating EnglishLanguage "Instances of this Class commit the agent to some truth.For example, John claimed that the moon is made of green cheese.") Merge.kif 13210-13211
(subclass Stating LinguisticCommunication) Merge.kif 13209-13209 Stating is a subclass of linguistic communication

appearance as argument number 2

(partition Communication Stating Supposing Directing Committing Expressing Declaring) Merge.kif 13107-13107 Communication is exhaustively partitioned into stating, supposing, directing, committing, expressing, and declaring
(subclass Answering Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 887-887 Answering is a subclass of stating
(subclass Apologizing Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30559-30559 Apologizing is a subclass of stating
(subclass Arguing Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 899-899 Arguing is a subclass of stating
(subclass Confirming Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30578-30578 Confirming is a subclass of stating
(subclass Correcting Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30630-30630 Correcting is a subclass of stating
(subclass Disagreeing Stating) Merge.kif 13221-13221 Disagreeing is a subclass of stating
(subclass Misdiagnosing Stating) Medicine.kif 4168-4168 Misdiagnosing is a subclass of stating
(subclass Pleading Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16980-16980 Pleading is a subclass of stating
(subclass ReachingAgreement Stating) Media.kif 125-125 Reaching agreement is a subclass of stating
(subclass Registering Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 875-875 Registering is a subclass of stating
(subclass SITREP Stating) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2724-2724 SITuation REPort is a subclass of stating
(subclass TerminalAttackControl Stating) MilitaryProcesses.kif 450-450 Terminal attack control is a subclass of stating
(subclass TerminalGuidance Stating) MilitaryProcesses.kif 502-502 Terminal guidance is a subclass of stating
(subclass Testifying Stating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17018-17018 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Stating "陈述") chinese_format.kif 1198-1198 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Stating "stating") english_format.kif 1613-1613 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Stating "d�clarer") french_format.kif 876-876 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat Hindi Stating "kathana") terms-hindi.txt 409-409 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Stating "Affermare") terms-it.txt 412-412 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Stating "記載") japanese_format.kif 2560-2560 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Stating "Declarar") portuguese_format.kif 828-828 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat cb Stating "pagsaysay") terms-cb.txt 414-414 Testifying is a subclass of stating
(termFormat cz Stating "stating") terms-cz.txt 448-448 Testifying is a subclass of stating

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        (instance ?STATE Stating)
        (agent ?STATE ?AGENT)
        (patient ?STATE ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
        (WhenFn ?STATE)
        (believes ?AGENT ?FORMULA)))
Merge.kif 13213-13219
        (instance ?STATE Stating)
        (result ?STATE ?SENTENCE)
        (instance ?SENTENCE Sentence))
    (instance ?SENTENCE Statement))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15092-15097


        (instance ?C Confirming)
        (agent ?C ?A)
        (containsInformation ?C ?P))
    (exists (?S ?RA ?A2)
            (instance ?S Stating)
            (earlier ?S ?C)
            (instance ?RA ReachingAgreement)
            (agent ?S ?A2)
            (containsInformation ?RA ?P)
            (containsInformation ?S ?P)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A)
            (partyToAgreement ?RA ?A2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30583-30597
        (instance ?CAB GovernmentCabinet)
        (subOrganization ?CAB
            (GovernmentFn ?AREA))
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea))
    (hasPurpose ?CAB
        (exists (?ADVICE ?LEADER)
                (instance ?ADVICE Stating)
                (agent ?ADVICE ?CAB)
                (patient ?ADVICE ?LEADER)
                (leader ?LEADER
                    (GovernmentFn ?AREA))))))
Government.kif 1475-1486
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
        (component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
        (patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM)
        (instance ?ITEM Physical))
            (instance ?STATING Stating)
            (patient ?STATING ?DESCRIPTION)
            (refers ?DESCRIPTION ?ITEM)
            (part ?DESCRIPTIONCONTENT ?PAGE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2078-2091
    (describes ?FORMULA ?OBJECT)
    (exists (?STATING ?AGENT)
            (instance ?STATING Stating)
            (agent ?STATING ?AGENT)
            (patient ?STATING ?FORMULA)
            (refers ?STATING ?OBJECT))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17009-17016
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (prohibits ?A ?F))
    (exists (?S ?B ?P)
            (instance ?S Stating)
                (WhenFn ?S) ?T1)
            (agent ?S ?A)
            (containsFormula ?S
                        (agent ?P ?B)
                        (truth ?F True))
                    (punishes ?A ?B))))))
Law.kif 65-78
    (instance ?C Correcting)
    (exists (?D ?S ?SP ?CP)
            (instance ?D Disagreeing)
            (subProcess ?C ?D)
            (instance ?S Stating)
            (subProcess ?S ?D)
            (containsInformation ?S ?SP)
            (containsInformation ?C ?CP)
            (refers ?CP ?SP)
                (consistent ?CP ?SP)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30635-30647
    (instance ?DESCRIPTIONPAGE ProductDescriptionPage)
            (instance ?PRODUCT Class)
            (instance ?STATING Stating)
            (patient ?STATING ?DESCRIPTION)
            (refers ?DESCRIPTION ?PRODUCT)
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2043-2052
    (trusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P)
    (believes ?A1
            (exists (?S ?PI ?P)
                    (instance ?S Stating)
                    (containsFormula ?S
                            (instance ?PI ?P)
                            (agent ?PI ?A2)))))
                    (instance ?PI ?P)
                    (agent ?PI ?A2)) Likely))))
Law.kif 400-415

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