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Sigma KEE - SportsTeam
SportsTeam(sports team)
JV, first_team, hockey_team, junior_varsity, major-league_club, major-league_team, minor-league_club, minor-league_team, varsity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SportsTeam EnglishLanguage "A GroupOfPeople who habitually play a Sport together, either as an occupation or as a leisure activity.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 7743-7744
(externalImage SportsTeam " 4/ 4b/ Thai_national_football_team_squad_Asian_Games_2006.jpg") pictureList.kif 1501-1501
(subclass SportsTeam GroupOfPeople) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7742-7742 Sports team is a subclass of group of people

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BaseballTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 750-750 Baseball team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass BasketballTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 503-503 Basketball team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass CarRacingTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 513-513 Car racing team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass FootballTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 843-843 Football team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass LacrosseTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 511-511 Lacrosse team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass MotorcycleRacingTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 514-514 Motorcycle racing team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass RugbyTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 509-509 Rugby team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass SoccerTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 507-507 Soccer team is a subclass of sports team
(subclass VolleyballTeam SportsTeam) Sports.kif 505-505 Volleyball team is a subclass of sports team
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SportsTeam "运动队") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54821-54821 Volleyball team is a subclass of sports team
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SportsTeam "運動隊") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54820-54820 Volleyball team is a subclass of sports team
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SportsTeam "sports team") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54819-54819 Volleyball team is a subclass of sports team


    (instance ?TEAM SportsTeam)
    (exists (?SPORT)
            (subclass ?SPORT Sport)
            (capability ?SPORT agent ?TEAM))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7746-7751


        (instance ?L SportsLeague)
        (member ?M ?L))
    (instance ?M SportsTeam))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7241-7245
        (occupiesPosition ?H ?P ?O)
        (instance ?P SportsPosition))
    (instance ?O SportsTeam))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19191-19195
    (instance ?PASS FootballPass)
    (exists (?THROW ?B ?TEAM ?M1 ?M2)
            (subProcess ?THROW ?PASS)
            (instance ?THROW Throwing)
            (agent ?THROW ?M1)
            (destination ?THROW ?M2)
            (patient ?THROW ?B)
            (instance ?B Football)
            (instance ?TEAM SportsTeam)
            (member ?M1 ?TEAM)
            (member ?M2 ?TEAM)
                (equal ?M1 ?M2)))))
Sports.kif 828-841
    (instance ?S TeamSport)
    (exists (?T1 ?T2)
            (contestParticipant ?S ?T1)
            (contestParticipant ?S ?T2)
            (instance ?T1 SportsTeam)
            (instance ?T2 SportsTeam)
                (equal ?T1 ?T2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7757-7765

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