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Sigma KEE - SouthernSouthAmerica
SouthernSouthAmerica(southern south america)

appearance as argument number 1

(geographicSubregion SouthernSouthAmerica SouthAmerica) Geography.kif 174-174 Southern south america is a geographic subregion of south america
(geographicSubregion SouthernSouthAmerica SouthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 250-250 Southern south america is a geographic subregion of southern hemisphere
(geographicSubregion SouthernSouthAmerica WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 249-249 Southern south america is a geographic subregion of western hemisphere
(instance SouthernSouthAmerica GeographicArea) Geography.kif 98-98 Southern south america is an instance of geographic area

appearance as argument number 2

(geographicSubregion Argentina SouthernSouthAmerica) CountriesAndRegions.kif 513-513 Argentina is a geographic subregion of southern south america
(geographicSubregion Chile SouthernSouthAmerica) CountriesAndRegions.kif 515-515 Chile is a geographic subregion of southern south america
(geographicSubregion FalklandIslands SouthernSouthAmerica) CountriesAndRegions.kif 517-517 Falkland islands is a geographic subregion of southern south america
(geographicSubregion SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands SouthernSouthAmerica) CountriesAndRegions.kif 518-518 South georgia and the south sandwich islands is a geographic subregion of southern south america
(geographicSubregion Uruguay SouthernSouthAmerica) CountriesAndRegions.kif 519-519 Uruguay is a geographic subregion of southern south america
(names "Southern South America" SouthernSouthAmerica) Geography.kif 129-129 Southern south america has name "Southern South America"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SouthernSouthAmerica "南美洲南部") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54293-54293 Southern south america has name "Southern South America"
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SouthernSouthAmerica "南美洲南部") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54292-54292 Southern south america has name "Southern South America"
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SouthernSouthAmerica "southern south america") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54291-54291 Southern south america has name "Southern South America"

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