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Sigma KEE - SignumFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SignumFn ChineseLanguage "(SignumFn ?NUMBER) 得出 ?NUMBER 的正负符号,这将会是 以下其中的一个值: -1, 1 或 0。") chinese_format.kif 2271-2272
(documentation SignumFn EnglishLanguage "(SignumFn ?NUMBER) denotes the sign of ?NUMBER. This is one of the following values: -1, 1, or 0.") Merge.kif 5193-5194
(documentation SignumFn JapaneseLanguage "(SignumFn ?NUMBER) は、?NUMBERの符号を示し、−1、 1、または0のいずれかの値を示す。") japanese_format.kif 937-938
(domain SignumFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 5190-5190 The number 1 argument of signum is an instance of real number
(instance SignumFn TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 5189-5189 Signum is an instance of total valued relation
(instance SignumFn UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 5188-5188 Signum is an instance of unary function
(range SignumFn Integer) Merge.kif 5191-5191 The range of signum is an instance of integer

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage SignumFn "%1 的正或负值") chinese_format.kif 726-726
(format EnglishLanguage SignumFn "the sign of %1") english_format.kif 728-728
(format FrenchLanguage SignumFn "le signe de %1") french_format.kif 436-436
(format ItalianLanguage SignumFn "il segno di %1") relations-it.txt 263-263
(format JapaneseLanguage SignumFn "%1 の sign") japanese_format.kif 2153-2153
(format PortugueseLanguage SignumFn "o sinal de %1") portuguese_format.kif 388-388
(format de SignumFn "das zeichen von %1") relations-de.txt 939-939
(format hi SignumFn "%1 kaa chihna") relations-hindi.txt 300-300
(format ro SignumFn "sign%t{semnul} lui %1") relations-ro.kif 458-458
(format sv SignumFn "tecknet på %1") relations-sv.txt 498-498
(format tg SignumFn "ang senyas ng %1") relations-tg.txt 455-455
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SignumFn "正或负值函数") chinese_format.kif 727-727
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SignumFn "正负号") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53044-53044
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SignumFn "正負號") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53043-53043
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SignumFn "signum") domainEnglishFormat.kif 53042-53042


            (RemainderFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) ?NUMBER)
            (equal ?NUMBER 0))
            (equal ?NUMBER1 0))
            (equal ?NUMBER2 0)))
        (SignumFn ?NUMBER2)
        (SignumFn ?NUMBER)))
Merge.kif 5131-5143
    (instance ?NUMBER NegativeRealNumber)
        (SignumFn ?NUMBER) -1))
Merge.kif 5206-5208
    (instance ?NUMBER NonnegativeRealNumber)
            (SignumFn ?NUMBER) 1)
            (SignumFn ?NUMBER) 0)))
Merge.kif 5196-5200
    (instance ?NUMBER PositiveRealNumber)
        (SignumFn ?NUMBER) 1))
Merge.kif 5202-5204

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