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Sigma KEE - Shooting
antiaircraft_fire, artillery_fire, barrage, barrage_fire, battery, blast, blaze, blaze_away, bombardment, broadside, burst, call_fire, cannon, cannon_fire, cannonade, close_supporting_fire, concentrated_fire, counterbattery_fire, counterbombardment, counterfire, countermortar_fire, counterpreparation_fire, countershot, cover, covering_fire, crossfire, crump, deep_supporting_fire, destruction_fire, direct_fire, direct_supporting_fire, discharge, distributed_fire, down, drive-by_shooting, drumfire, enfilade, enfilade_fire, fire, firing, firing_off, flight, fratricide, friendly_fire, fusillade, go_off, grazing_fire, gun, gun_down, gunfire...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Shooting ChineseLanguage "这是 Impellingsubclass, 当中 patient 是被某种 Device 通过空中射击出的发射物。") chinese_format.kif 3046-3047
(documentation Shooting EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Impelling where the patient is a projectile that is fired through the air by means of some sort of Device.") Merge.kif 11547-11549
(documentation Shooting JapaneseLanguage "patient が何らかの DeviceD によって空中を発射 される発射物である Impellingsubclass 。") japanese_format.kif 1814-1815
(externalImage Shooting " hunting/ shooting.png") pictureList.kif 728-728
(subclass Shooting Impelling) Merge.kif 11545-11545 Shooting is a subclass of impelling

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Shooting "射击") chinese_format.kif 1126-1126
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Shooting "shooting") english_format.kif 1469-1469
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Shooting "tirer") french_format.kif 804-804
(termFormat Hindi Shooting "nishaanebaajii") terms-hindi.txt 336-336
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Shooting "Sparare") terms-it.txt 339-339
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Shooting "射撃") japanese_format.kif 2488-2488
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Shooting "Atirar") portuguese_format.kif 756-756
(termFormat cb Shooting "pagluthang") terms-cb.txt 341-341
(termFormat cz Shooting "shooting") terms-cz.txt 375-375
(termFormat de Shooting "Schiessen") terms-de.txt 634-634
(termFormat ro Shooting "împuºcare") relations-ro.kif 825-825
(termFormat tg Shooting "binabaril") terms-tg.txt 340-340


        (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?MV)
        (subclass ?PC Shooting))
    (exists (?WEAPON)
            (instance ?WEAPON Weapon)
            (part ?WEAPON ?MV)
            (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?WEAPON))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 48-56
        (instance ?G Gun)
        (instance ?B GunBarrel)
        (part ?B ?G)
        (instance ?S Shooting)
        (instrument ?S ?G)
        (patient ?S ?P)
        (instance ?P Projectile))
    (exists (?SUB)
            (subProcess ?SUB ?S)
            (path ?SUB ?B))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1228-1240
        (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
        (instrument ?SHOOTING ?AC)
        (instance ?AC ArtilleryCannon))
    (exists (?PROJ)
            (instrument ?SHOOTING ?PROJ)
            (instance ?PROJ
                (UnionFn Missile Grenade)))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 179-188
        (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
        (instrument ?SHOOTING ?AC)
        (instance ?AC GrenadeLauncher))
    (exists (?PROJ)
            (instrument ?SHOOTING ?PROJ)
            (instance ?PROJ Grenade))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 597-605
        (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
        (instrument ?SHOOTING ?MG)
        (instance ?MG MortarGun))
    (exists (?PROJ)
            (instrument ?SHOOTING ?PROJ)
            (instance ?PROJ Grenade))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 198-206
        (instance ?SHOT Shooting)
        (instrument ?SHOT ?GUN)
        (patient ?SHOT ?PROJ)
        (width ?PROJ ?LM1)
        (instance ?GUN ?GUNCLASS)
        (instance ?PROJ Projectile)
        (caliber ?GUNCLASS ?LM))
    (equal ?LM ?LM1))
MilitaryDevices.kif 219-228
        (weaponCarryingCapability ?MV ?WC ?COUNT)
        (instance ?WEAPON ?WC)
        (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?WEAPON)
            (subclass ?PC Shooting)
            (subclass ?PC Damaging)))
    (capability ?PC ?ROLE ?MV))
MilitaryDevices.kif 35-43
    (instance ?S Shooting)
    (exists (?P ?L)
            (instance ?P Projectile)
            (patient ?S ?P)
            (instance ?L ProjectileLauncher)
            (instrument ?S ?L))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1131-1138
    (instance ?SHOOT Shooting)
    (exists (?PROJECTILE ?GUN)
            (instance ?PROJECTILE Projectile)
            (patient ?SHOOT ?PROJECTILE)
            (instance ?GUN Gun)
            (instrument ?SHOOT ?GUN))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1162-1169


        (instance ?PROJ Projectile)
        (caliber ?GUNCLASS ?LM)
        (instance ?GUN ?GUNCLASS)
        (width ?PROJ ?LM1)
        (equal ?LM ?LM1))
        (KappaFn ?SHOOTING
                (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
                (patient ?SHOOTING ?PROJ))) instrument ?GUN))
MilitaryDevices.kif 233-245
        (instance ?PROJ Projectile)
        (caliber ?GUNCLASS ?LM)
        (instance ?GUN ?GUNCLASS)
        (width ?PROJ ?LM1)
        (equal ?LM ?LM1))
    (hasPurpose ?GUN
        (exists (?SHOOTING)
                (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
                (patient ?SHOOTING ?PROJ)
                (instrument ?SHOOTING ?GUN)))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 250-262
    (instance ?B Bullet)
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?S ?GUN)
                (instance ?S Shooting)
                (instrument ?S ?GUN)
                (instance ?GUN Gun)
                (patient ?S ?B)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1177-1185
    (instance ?G AutomaticGun)
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?S1 ?S2 ?P ?T)
                (instance ?P Pulling)
                (instance ?T GunTrigger)
                (patient ?P ?T)
                (part ?T ?G)
                (instance ?S1 Shooting)
                (instance ?S2 Shooting)
                (instrument ?S1 ?G)
                (instrument ?S2 ?G)
                    (equal ?S1 ?S2))
                (causes ?P ?S1)
                (causes ?P ?S2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1562-1577
    (instance ?GUN Gun)
    (capability Shooting instrument ?GUN))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1158-1160
    (instance ?L ProjectileLauncher)
    (capability Shooting instrument ?L))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1127-1129
    (instance ?PROJECTILE Projectile)
    (capability Shooting patient ?PROJECTILE))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1110-1112
    (instance ?SKEET SkeetShooting)
    (exists (?SHOOTING)
            (instance ?SHOOTING Shooting)
            (subProcess ?SHOOTING ?SKEET))))
Sports.kif 1201-1206
    (instance ?SS ShootingSport)
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S Shooting)
            (subProcess ?S ?SS))))
Sports.kif 191-196
    (instance ?T GunTrigger)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?S ?G ?P)
                (instance ?G AutomaticGun)
                (part ?T ?G)
                (patient ?P ?T)
                (instance ?P Pulling)
                (instance ?S Shooting)
                (instrument ?S ?G)
                (causes ?P ?S)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1579-1590

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