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Sigma KEE - Ship

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Ship EnglishLanguage "Ship is the class of large WaterVehicle used for travel on oceans, seas, or large lakes.") Transportation.kif 2473-2474
(externalImage Ship " ship.png") pictureList.kif 726-726
(externalImage Ship " DANA_2004_ubt.jpeg") pictureList.kif 167-167
(subclass Ship DisplacementHullWaterVehicle) Transportation.kif 2472-2472 Ship is a subclass of displacement hull water vehicle

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CableShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2623-2623 Cable ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass CargoShip Ship) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30319-30319 Cargo ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass CraneShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2622-2622 Crane ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass Dredger Ship) Transportation.kif 2618-2618 Dredger is a subclass of ship
(subclass DrillingShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2615-2615 Drilling ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass IceBreakerShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2624-2624 Ice breaker ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass MerchantMarineShip Ship) Transportation.kif 1019-1019 Merchant marine ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass MilitaryShip Ship) Military.kif 187-187 Military ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass MotorHopper Ship) Transportation.kif 2620-2620 Motor hopper is a subclass of ship
(subclass OffshoreSupplyShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2612-2612 Offshore supply ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass OffshoreSupportShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2613-2613 Offshore support ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass OffshoreWellProductionShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2614-2614 Offshore well production ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass PassengerShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2478-2478 Passenger ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass ResearchShip Ship) Transportation.kif 2616-2616 Research ship is a subclass of ship
(subclass SludgeDisposalVessel Ship) Transportation.kif 2621-2621 Sludge disposal vessel is a subclass of ship
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Ship "船") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52634-52634 Sludge disposal vessel is a subclass of ship
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Ship "船") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52633-52633 Sludge disposal vessel is a subclass of ship
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ship "ship") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52632-52632 Sludge disposal vessel is a subclass of ship

appearance as argument number 3

(domain ShipBerthingFn 1 Ship) Transportation.kif 3855-3855 The number 1 argument of ship berthing is an instance of ship


        (instance ?REGISTRATION ShipRegistration)
        (instance ?SHIP Ship)
        (possesses ?SHIP ?REGISTRATION)
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
        (flagState ?SHIP ?AREA))
        (ShipRegisterFn ?AREA) ?REGISTRATION))
Transportation.kif 1097-1104
        (instance ?SHIP Ship)
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
        (member ?SHIP
            (MerchantMarineFn ?AREA)))
    (exists (?REGISTRATION)
            (instance ?REGISTRATION ShipRegistration)
            (possesses ?SHIP ?REGISTRATION)
                (ShipRegisterFn ?AREA) ?REGISTRATION))))
Transportation.kif 1157-1166

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