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Sigma KEE - ShareUnit
ShareUnit(share unit)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ShareUnit EnglishLanguage "The UnitOfMeasure representing one share in a corporation. Note that the number of shares in a corporation can change over time, as does their value. The percentage ownership that a share entails is time dependent, as well as being dependent on the rules of the legal jurisdiction that is relevant, and rules set in place by the corporation.") FinancialOntology.kif 2108-2111
(subclass ShareUnit CurrencyMeasure) FinancialOntology.kif 2107-2107 Share unit is a subclass of currency measure

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage ShareUnit "share unit") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65506-65506


        (possesses ?Agent ?Stocks)
        (measure ?Stocks
            (MeasureFn ?Number ShareUnit))
        (splitFor ?Event ?N1 ?N2))
            (WhenFn ?Event))
            (equal ?N3
                (MultiplicationFn ?Number ?N2))
            (equal ?NewNumber
                (DivisionFn ?N3 ?N1))
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn ?NewNumber ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2229-2239


        (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
        (patient ?Exercise ?Option)
        (property ?Option CallOption)
        (time ?Exercise ?Time)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
    (exists (?Buy)
            (instance ?Buy Buying)
            (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
            (time ?Buy ?Time)
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2754-2766
        (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
        (patient ?Exercise ?Option)
        (property ?Option PutOption)
        (time ?Exercise ?Time)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
    (exists (?Sell)
            (instance ?Sell Selling)
            (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
            (time ?Sell ?Time)
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2768-2780
        (possesses ?Agent ?Stocks)
        (measure ?Stocks
            (MeasureFn ?Number ShareUnit))
        (splitFor ?Event ?N1 ?N2))
            (WhenFn ?Event))
            (equal ?N3
                (MultiplicationFn ?Number ?N2))
            (equal ?NewNumber
                (DivisionFn ?N3 ?N1))
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn ?NewNumber ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2229-2239
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionHolder ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate))
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
                (time ?Sell ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Sell ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2669-2685
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionHolder ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate)))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
                (time ?Buy ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Buy ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2623-2639
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate))
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
                (time ?Buy ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Buy ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2687-2703
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Seller)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate)))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
                (time ?Sell ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Sell ?Agent))) ?Seller))
FinancialOntology.kif 2641-2659
    (property ?Option Option)
    (exists (?Type ?Date ?Stock ?Price)
                (equal ?Type CallOption)
                (equal ?Type PutOption))
            (property ?Option ?Type)
            (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date)
            (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
            (underlier ?Option ?Stock)
            (measure ?Stock
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2540-2551

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