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Sigma KEE - ShapeAttribute
ShapeAttribute(shape attribute)3-D, 3D, Platonic_body, Platonic_solid, abruptly-pinnate, acanthoid, acanthous, acellular, acerate, acerose, acetabular, acicular, aciculate, acid-base_balance, acid-base_equilibrium, acneiform, acuate, acuminate, acute, acuteness, adamantine, alabaster, alabastrine, aligned, allantoid, almond-shaped, alveolate, ameboid, amethystine, amoeboid, amorphous_shape, amygdaliform, amygdaline, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal, anchor_ring, anfractuous, angled, angular, angular_shape, angularity, angulate, annulus, antiphonal, antiphonary, apiculate, aquiline, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ShapeAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是任何与 Object 的形状有关的 Attribute。") chinese_format.kif 3961-3961
(documentation ShapeAttribute EnglishLanguage "Any Attribute that relates to the shape of an Object.") Merge.kif 17812-17813
(subclass ShapeAttribute StructureAttribute) Merge.kif 17808-17808 Shape attribute is a subclass of structure attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Concave ShapeAttribute) ComputingBrands.kif 2678-2678 Concave is an instance of shape attribute
(instance ConeSegment ShapeAttribute) Cars.kif 1426-1426 Cone segment is an instance of shape attribute
(instance Convex ShapeAttribute) ComputingBrands.kif 2646-2646 Convex is an instance of shape attribute
(instance DiskShaped ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25870-25870 Disk shaped is an instance of shape attribute
(instance Fillable ShapeAttribute) Merge.kif 9985-9985 Fillable is an instance of shape attribute
(instance Flat ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2774-2774 Flat is an instance of shape attribute
(instance LevelShape ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2811-2811 Level shape is an instance of shape attribute
(instance LineFormation ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19682-19682 Line formation is an instance of shape attribute
(instance LongAndThin ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2794-2794 Long and thin is an instance of shape attribute
(instance RingTorus ShapeAttribute) Cars.kif 4469-4469 Ring torus is an instance of shape attribute
(instance RoundTwoDimensional ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25862-25862 Round two dimensional is an instance of shape attribute
(instance SymmetricShape ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2831-2831 Symmetric shape is an instance of shape attribute
(subclass Fingerprint ShapeAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12750-12750 Fingerprint is a subclass of shape attribute
(subclass GeometricFigure ShapeAttribute) Merge.kif 17859-17859 Geometric figure is a subclass of shape attribute
(subclass MoleculeStructuralAttribute ShapeAttribute) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 154-154 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ShapeAttribute "形状属性") chinese_format.kif 1254-1254 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ShapeAttribute "shape attribute") english_format.kif 1729-1729 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat FrenchLanguage ShapeAttribute "attribut de forme") french_format.kif 932-932 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat Hindi ShapeAttribute "aakaara visheshataa") terms-hindi.txt 466-466 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat ItalianLanguage ShapeAttribute "AttributoDiForma") terms-it.txt 469-469 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage ShapeAttribute "形状属性") japanese_format.kif 2616-2616 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage ShapeAttribute "Atributo de Forma") portuguese_format.kif 884-884 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat cb ShapeAttribute "dagwayng hiyas") terms-cb.txt 471-471 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute
(termFormat cz ShapeAttribute "shape attribute") terms-cz.txt 505-505 Molecule structural attribute is a subclass of shape attribute

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appearance as argument number 3

(domain cellShape 2 ShapeAttribute) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 405-405 The number 2 argument of cell shape is an instance of shape attribute
(domain shape 2 ShapeAttribute) Merge.kif 7622-7622 The number 2 argument of shape is an instance of shape attribute


        (instance ?ATTRIBUTE ShapeAttribute)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTRIBUTE)
        (surface ?SURFACE ?OBJ))
    (attribute ?SURFACE ?ATTRIBUTE))
Merge.kif 17815-17820
        (property ?OBJ ?SHAPE)
        (instance ?OBJ Physical)
        (instance ?SHAPE ShapeAttribute))
    (shape ?OBJ ?SHAPE))
Merge.kif 7625-7630


        (instance ?ALT ShapeChange)
        (patient ?ALT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PROPERTY)
            (instance ?PROPERTY ShapeAttribute)
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))))))
Merge.kif 12702-12715

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