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Sigma KEE - Set
Set(set)Abelian_group, Euclidean_space, Hilbert_space, Mandelbrot_set, bounded_interval, closed, closed_interval, commutative_group, diagonal, distribution, field, group, interval, locus, manifold, mathematical_group, mathematical_space, metric_space, open, open_interval, root, scalar_field, set, singleton, solution, statistical_distribution, sub-interval, subgroup, subset, subspace, topological_space, unbounded_interval, universal_set

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Set ChineseLanguage "这是个 SetOrClass 能满足延伸性和由集合理论的某些选择所指定 的其他约束。Set 在两个重要方面与 Classes 不同:第一,Sets 是可以延伸的 - 两个拥有一样 elementSet 是相同的。第二,一个 Set 可以是一堆随意组成的东西。这就是说 Set 不需要具有确定 其成员资格的相关联条件。注:我们并没有假设每个 Set 为独一无二的集合,即是说一个 Set 的组员可以在那个 Set 出现超过一次。") chinese_format.kif 1811-1815
(documentation Set EnglishLanguage "A SetOrClass that satisfies extensionality as well as other constraints specified by some choice of set theory. Sets differ from Classes in two important respects. First, Sets are extensional - two Sets with the same elements are identical. Second, a Set can be an arbitrary stock of objects. That is, there is no requirement that Sets have an associated condition that determines their membership. Note that Sets are not assumed to be unique sets, i.e. elements of a Set may occur more than once in the Set.") Merge.kif 2150-2157
(documentation Set JapaneseLanguage "拡張性と、セット理論のいくつかの選択によって指定された他の 制約を満たす SetOrClassSet は2つの重要な点で Class と異なる。まず、Set は拡張体で あり、同じ element を持つ2つの Set は同一である。次に、Set はオブジェクトの任意のストックに することができる。つまり、Set がメンバーシップを決定する関連付けられた条件を持つ必要はあない。 注:Set は一意のセット、つまり一意のセットであるとは見なされない。 例:Setelement は、 Set で複数回発生する可能性がある。") japanese_format.kif 428-433
(subclass Set SetOrClass) Merge.kif 2148-2148 Set is a subclass of set or class

appearance as argument number 2

(partition SetOrClass Set Class) Merge.kif 2129-2129 Set or class is exhaustively partitioned into set and class
(range PropertyFn Set) Merge.kif 4275-4275 The range of property is an instance of set
(subclass FiniteSet Set) Merge.kif 5532-5532 Finite set is a subclass of set
(subclass NonNullSet Set) Merge.kif 5522-5522 Non null set is a subclass of set
(subclass NullSet Set) Merge.kif 5511-5511 Null set is a subclass of set
(subclass SetOfEquations Set) engineering.kif 204-204 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Set "集合") chinese_format.kif 887-887 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Set "set") english_format.kif 976-976 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Set "ensemble") french_format.kif 563-563 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat Hindi Set "varga") terms-hindi.txt 93-93 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Set "Insieme") terms-it.txt 96-96 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Set "セット") japanese_format.kif 2248-2248 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Set "Conjunto") portuguese_format.kif 515-515 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat cb Set "pagbutang paghan-ay") terms-cb.txt 98-98 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat cz Set "set") terms-cz.txt 130-130 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat ro Set "mulþime") relations-ro.kif 584-584 Set of equations is a subclass of set
(termFormat tg Set "isang huwego") terms-tg.txt 97-97 Set of equations is a subclass of set

appearance as argument number 3

(domain element 2 Set) Merge.kif 5410-5410 The number 2 argument of element is an instance of set
(domain subset 1 Set) Merge.kif 5390-5390 The number 1 argument of subset is an instance of set
(domain subset 2 Set) Merge.kif 5391-5391 The number 2 argument of subset is an instance of set


        (instance ?DECIDE Deciding)
        (agent ?DECIDE ?A)
        (patient ?DECIDE ?S)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (result ?DECIDE ?X)
        (instance ?X ContentBearingPhysical))
    (containsFormula ?X
                (WhenFn ?DECIDE))
            (exists (?M)
                    (element ?M ?S)
                    (instance ?M IntentionalProcess)
                    (agent ?M ?A))))))
Merge.kif 12102-12118
        (instance ?DECIDE Deciding)
        (agent ?DECIDE ?AGENT)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (patient ?DECIDE ?S)
        (element ?M ?S))
    (believes ?AGENT
        (exists (?CLASS)
                (instance ?M ?CLASS)
                (subclass ?CLASS IntentionalProcess)
                (capability ?CLASS agent ?AGENT)))))
Merge.kif 12070-12082
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S)
        (instance ?P Process)
        (agent ?P ?O))
    (frequency Process ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31614-31621
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (approximateDiameter ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31477-31482
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (circumference ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31401-31406
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (diameter ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31455-31460
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (height ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31380-31385
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (length ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31349-31354
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (measure ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31300-31305
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (totalArea ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31506-31511
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (transformerCapacity ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31646-31651
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (voltageRatingPrimary ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31528-31533
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (voltageRatingSecondary ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31571-31576
        (memberMeasure ?S ?M ?Q)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (element ?O ?S))
    (width ?O ?Q))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31368-31373


        (instance ?X BreakingRecord)
        (agent ?X ?A1))
    (exists (?AC ?PC ?P1 ?TP ?ROLE ?L ?Q)
            (instance ?AC Set)
            (element ?A1 ?AC)
            (subclass ?PC Process)
            (instance ?L Region)
            (instance ?TP TimePoint)
            (instance ?Q Quantity)
            (instance ?P1 ?PC)
            (refers ?X ?Q)
            (refers ?Q ?P1)
            (playsRoleInEvent ?A1 ?ROLE ?P1)
            (eventLocated ?P1 ?L)
                (exists (?A2 ?P2)
                        (instance ?A2 ?AC)
                            (equal ?A2 ?A1))
                        (instance ?P2 ?PC)
                            (TimeIntervalFn ?TP
                                    (WhenFn ?X)))
                                (playsRoleInEvent ?A2 ?ROLE ?P2)
                                (eventLocated ?P2 ?L)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30319-30349

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