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Sigma KEE - SecondDuration
SecondDuration(second duration)leap_second, s, sec, second

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SecondDuration ChineseLanguage "UnitOfDuration 的国际单位制。符号:s。这是 国际单位制中的一个基本单位,而它现在的定义如下:SecondDuration 是銫133原子基態的兩個超精細能階間躍遷 對應輻射的9,192,631,770個週期的持續時間。") chinese_format.kif 2494-2496
(documentation SecondDuration EnglishLanguage "SI UnitOfDuration. Symbol: s. It is one of the base units in SI, and it is currently defined as follows: the SecondDuration is the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.") Merge.kif 6713-6717
(documentation SecondDuration JapaneseLanguage "SI UnitOfDuration。 シンボル: s。これは、 SIのベースユニットの1つであり、現在は以下のように定義されている: SecondDuration は、セシウム 133原子の地盤状態の2つの超微細レベル間の遷移ベットに対応する放射線の9192631770期間の 持続時間である。") japanese_format.kif 1189-1192
(instance SecondDuration SystemeInternationalUnit) Merge.kif 6711-6711 Second duration is an instance of systeme international unit
(instance SecondDuration TimeDuration) Merge.kif 6710-6710 Second duration is an instance of time duration
(instance SecondDuration UnitOfDuration) Merge.kif 6709-6709 Second duration is an instance of unit of duration

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept Second SecondDuration) Merge.kif 9397-9397 Second is internally related to second duration
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SecondDuration "第二期") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51842-51842 Second is internally related to second duration
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SecondDuration "第二期") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51841-51841 Second is internally related to second duration
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SecondDuration "second duration") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51840-51840 Second is internally related to second duration


        (equal ?SPEEDLIST
            (Mean3SecondWindSpeedListFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
        (inList ?SPEED ?SPEEDLIST))
    (exists (?TIMELIST ?INT)
            (equal ?TIMELIST
                (TimeIntervalListFn ?TIME
                    (MeasureFn 3 SecondDuration)))
            (inList ?INT ?TIMELIST)
            (equal ?SPEED
                (Mean3SecondWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?INT)))))
Weather.kif 1988-2000
    (equal ?SPEED
        (Mean10MinutesWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (exists (?MLIST ?RLIST ?NLIST ?UNIT)
                (instance ?MLIST MeasuringSurfaceWindSpeedList)
                (locationMeasuringList ?MLIST ?PLACE)
                (measuringListInterval ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 5 SecondDuration))
                (measuringListDuration ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 10 MinuteDuration))
                (equal 120
                    (ListLengthFn ?MLIST))
                (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
                (equal ?NLIST
                    (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?RLIST))
                (equal ?SPEED
                        (AverageFn ?NLIST) ?UNIT))))))
Weather.kif 2206-2223
    (equal ?SPEED
        (Mean1MinuteWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (exists (?MLIST ?RLIST ?NLIST ?UNIT)
                (instance ?MLIST MeasuringSurfaceWindSpeedList)
                (locationMeasuringList ?MLIST ?PLACE)
                (measuringListInterval ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 5 SecondDuration))
                (measuringListDuration ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 1 MinuteDuration))
                (equal 12
                    (ListLengthFn ?MLIST))
                (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
                (equal ?NLIST
                    (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?RLIST))
                (equal ?SPEED
                        (AverageFn ?NLIST) ?UNIT))))))
Weather.kif 2311-2328
    (equal ?SPEED
        (Mean2MinutesWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (exists (?MLIST ?RLIST ?NLIST ?UNIT)
                (instance ?MLIST MeasuringSurfaceWindSpeedList)
                (locationMeasuringList ?MLIST ?PLACE)
                (measuringListInterval ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 5 SecondDuration))
                (measuringListDuration ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 2 MinuteDuration))
                (equal 24
                    (ListLengthFn ?MLIST))
                (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
                (equal ?NLIST
                    (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?RLIST))
                (equal ?SPEED
                        (AverageFn ?NLIST) ?UNIT))))))
Weather.kif 2276-2293
    (equal ?SPEED
        (Mean3MinutesWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (exists (?MLIST ?RLIST ?NLIST ?UNIT)
                (instance ?MLIST MeasuringSurfaceWindSpeedList)
                (locationMeasuringList ?MLIST ?PLACE)
                (measuringListInterval ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 5 SecondDuration))
                (measuringListDuration ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 2 MinuteDuration))
                (equal 36
                    (ListLengthFn ?MLIST))
                (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
                (equal ?NLIST
                    (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?RLIST))
                (equal ?SPEED
                        (AverageFn ?NLIST) ?UNIT))))))
Weather.kif 2241-2258
    (equal ?SPEED
        (Mean3SecondWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (exists (?MLIST ?RLIST ?NLIST ?UNIT)
                (instance ?MLIST MeasuringSurfaceWindSpeedList)
                (locationMeasuringList ?MLIST ?PLACE)
                (measuringListInterval ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 0.25 SecondDuration))
                (measuringListDuration ?MLIST
                    (MeasureFn 3 SecondDuration))
                (equal 12
                    (ListLengthFn ?MLIST))
                (measuringResult ?MLIST ?RLIST)
                (equal ?NLIST
                    (PhysicalQuantityToNumberFn ?RLIST))
                (equal ?SPEED
                        (AverageFn ?NLIST) ?UNIT))))))
Weather.kif 1887-1904
    (instance ?SECOND Second)
    (duration ?SECOND
        (MeasureFn 1 SecondDuration)))
Merge.kif 9402-9404


    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER MinuteDuration)
        (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 60) SecondDuration))
Merge.kif 7104-7106 A real number minute duration(s) is equal to the real number and 60 second duration(s)

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