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Sigma KEE - Sea
Sea(sea)Adriatic, Adriatic_Sea, Aegean, Aegean_Sea, Andaman_Sea, Arafura_Sea, Barents_Sea, Beaufort_Sea, Bismarck_Sea, Chukchi_Sea, Coral_Sea, East_China_Sea, East_Sea, Greenland_Sea, Huang_Hai, Hudson_Bay, Inland_Sea, Ionian_Sea, Irish_Sea, Kara_Sea, Labrador_Sea, Laptev_Sea, Ligurian_Sea, Marmara, Marmara_Denizi, Marmora, Norwegian_Sea, Ross_Sea, Sargasso_Sea, Sea_of_Azof, Sea_of_Azoff, Sea_of_Azov, Sea_of_Japan, Sea_of_Marmara, Sea_of_Marmora, Sea_of_Okhotsk, South_China_Sea, South_Sea, Tasman_Sea, Timor_Sea, Tyrrhenian_Sea, Weddell_Sea, White_Sea, Yellow_Sea, sea

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Sea EnglishLanguage "Sea is the class of smaller subdivisions of the WorldOcean, typically partially surrounded by land. However, for inland salt water bodies that are sometimes called 'Sea', see SaltLake.") Geography.kif 4760-4763
(subclass Sea BodyOfWater) Geography.kif 4758-4758 Sea is a subclass of body of water
(subclass Sea SaltWaterArea) Geography.kif 4757-4757 Sea is a subclass of salt water area

appearance as argument number 2

(instance ArabianSea Sea) Geography.kif 4809-4809 Arabian sea is an instance of sea
(instance BalticSea Sea) Geography.kif 4808-4808 Baltic sea is an instance of sea
(instance BeringSea Sea) Geography.kif 4807-4807 Bering sea is an instance of sea
(instance BlackSea Sea) Geography.kif 4800-4800 Black sea is an instance of sea
(instance CaribbeanSea Sea) Geography.kif 4799-4799 Caribbean sea is an instance of sea
(instance MediterraneanSea Sea) Geography.kif 4798-4798 Mediterranean sea is an instance of sea
(instance NorthSea Sea) Geography.kif 4810-4810 North sea is an instance of sea
(instance RedSea Sea) Geography.kif 4801-4801 Red sea is an instance of sea
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Sea "海") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51674-51674 Red sea is an instance of sea
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Sea "海") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51673-51673 Red sea is an instance of sea
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Sea "sea") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51672-51672 Red sea is an instance of sea


        (instance ?SEA Sea)
        (top ?TOP ?SEA))
    (altitude ?TOP SeaLevel
        (MeasureFn 0.0 FootLength)))
Geography.kif 4772-4777
        (instance ?SEA Sea)
        (top ?TOP ?SEA))
    (altitude ?TOP SeaLevel
        (MeasureFn 0.0 Meter)))
Geography.kif 4765-4770
    (instance ?SEA Sea)
    (exists (?LAND)
            (instance ?LAND LandArea)
            (meetsSpatially ?LAND ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 4791-4796
    (instance ?SEA Sea)
    (exists (?OCEAN ?PATH)
            (instance ?OCEAN Ocean)
            (instance ?PATH WaterArea)
            (connects ?PATH ?OCEAN ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 4783-4789
    (instance ?SEA Sea)
    (properPart ?SEA WorldOcean))
Geography.kif 4779-4781


    (instance ?GULF Gulf)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
            (connected ?GULF ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 5129-5136
    (instance ?PORT PortCity)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 841-850
    (instance ?PORT SeaPort)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 873-882

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