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Sigma KEE - Saxitoxin

appearance as argument number 1

(biochemicalAgentDelivery Saxitoxin Breathing) WMD.kif 1457-1457 Breathing is a biochemical agent delivery of saxitoxin
(biochemicalAgentDelivery Saxitoxin Ingesting) WMD.kif 1456-1456 Ingesting is a biochemical agent delivery of saxitoxin
(biochemicalAgentSyndrome Saxitoxin ParalyticShellfishPoisoning) WMD.kif 1458-1458 Paralytic shellfish poisoning is a biochemical agent syndrome of saxitoxin
(biologicalAgentCarrier Saxitoxin Mollusk) WMD.kif 1455-1455 Mollusk is a biological agent carrier of saxitoxin
(documentation Saxitoxin EnglishLanguage "A class of chemically related neurotoxins that are produced by marine dinoflagellates and carried by Mollusks.") WMD.kif 1459-1460 Mollusk is a biological agent carrier of saxitoxin
(externalImage Saxitoxin " 6/ 68/ Saxitoxin_structure.png") pictureList.kif 6839-6839 Mollusk is a biological agent carrier of saxitoxin
(roomTempState Saxitoxin Solid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31913-31913 roomTempState saxitoxin and solid
(subclass Saxitoxin BodySubstance) WMD.kif 1454-1454 Saxitoxin is a subclass of body substance
(subclass Saxitoxin CompoundSubstance) WMD.kif 1453-1453 Saxitoxin is a subclass of compound substance
(subclass Saxitoxin Toxin) WMD.kif 1452-1452 Saxitoxin is a subclass of toxin

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Saxitoxin "石房蛤毒素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51470-51470
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Saxitoxin "石房蛤毒素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51469-51469
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Saxitoxin "saxitoxin") domainEnglishFormat.kif 51468-51468

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