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Sigma KEE - Republic

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Republic EnglishLanguage "Republic is the attribute of a government whose power and authority are vested in its members, who elect representatives to exercise that power.") Government.kif 287-289
(externalImage Republic " 3c/ Statue-place-Republique2.jpg") pictureList.kif 6816-6816
(instance Republic FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 159-159 Republic is an instance of form of government

appearance as argument number 2

(contraryAttribute Monarchy Republic) Government.kif 248-248 Monarchy is the opposite of republic
(subAttribute ConstitutionalDemocraticRepublic Republic) Government.kif 292-292 Constitutional democratic republic is a subattribute of republic
(subAttribute ConstitutionalRepublic Republic) Government.kif 291-291 Constitutional republic is a subattribute of republic
(subAttribute FederalDemocraticRepublic Republic) Government.kif 296-296 Federal democratic republic is a subattribute of republic
(subAttribute FederalRepublic Republic) Government.kif 293-293 Federal republic is a subattribute of republic
(subAttribute ParliamentaryDemocraticRepublic Republic) Government.kif 295-295 Parliamentary democratic republic is a subattribute of republic
(subAttribute ParliamentaryRepublic Republic) Government.kif 294-294 Parliamentary republic is a subattribute of republic
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Republic "共和国") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49591-49591 Parliamentary republic is a subattribute of republic
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Republic "共和國") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49590-49590 Parliamentary republic is a subattribute of republic
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Republic "republic") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49589-49589 Parliamentary republic is a subattribute of republic

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