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Sigma KEE - RedSea
RedSea(red sea)

appearance as argument number 1

(connected RedSea GulfOfAden) Geography.kif 5168-5168 Red sea is connected to gulf of aden
(externalImage RedSea " Red_Sea.png") pictureList.kif 4803-4803 Red sea is connected to gulf of aden
(instance RedSea Sea) Geography.kif 4801-4801 Red sea is an instance of sea

appearance as argument number 2

(meetsSpatially Egypt RedSea) Geography.kif 4802-4802 Egypt meets red sea
(meetsSpatially Eritrea RedSea) Geography.kif 4804-4804 Eritrea meets red sea
(meetsSpatially SaudiArabia RedSea) Geography.kif 4805-4805 Saudi arabia meets red sea
(meetsSpatially Sudan RedSea) Geography.kif 4803-4803 Sudan meets red sea
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RedSea "红海") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49105-49105 Sudan meets red sea
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RedSea "紅海") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49104-49104 Sudan meets red sea
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RedSea "red sea") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49103-49103 Sudan meets red sea

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