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Sigma KEE - RationalNumber
RationalNumber(rational number)I.Q., IQ, Mach_number, P/E_ratio, S/N, absentee_rate, abundance, accretion, adult_intelligence, albedo, aspect_ratio, bank_rate, batting_average, betting_odds, billionth, borderline_intelligence, breadth_index, case-fatality_proportion, case-to-infection_proportion, case-to-infection_ratio, cephalic_index, complex_fraction, compound_fraction, content, cranial_index, decimal, decimal_fraction, depreciation_rate, eccentricity, eighth, employee_turnover, exchange_rate, f_number, facial_index, factor_of_safety, fielding_average, fifth, fifth_part, focal_ratio, fourth, fourth_part, frequency, fuel_consumption_rate, gas_mileage, gasoline_mileage, golden_mean, golden_section, haematocrit, half, hematocrit...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RationalNumber ChineseLanguage "这是把两个 Integer 相除的商,它可以是任何一个的 RealNumber。") chinese_format.kif 1741-1742
(documentation RationalNumber EnglishLanguage "Any RealNumber that is the product of dividing two Integers.") Merge.kif 1913-1914
(documentation RationalNumber JapaneseLanguage "2つのINTを分割した製品である任意の RealNumber。") japanese_format.kif 349-350
(subclass RationalNumber RealNumber) Merge.kif 1911-1911 Rational number is a subclass of real number

appearance as argument number 2

(partition RealNumber RationalNumber IrrationalNumber) Merge.kif 1893-1893 Real number is exhaustively partitioned into rational number and irrational number
(range RationalNumberFn RationalNumber) Merge.kif 5056-5056 The range of rational number is an instance of rational number
(subclass Integer RationalNumber) Merge.kif 1954-1954 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RationalNumber "有理数") chinese_format.kif 861-861 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RationalNumber "rational number") english_format.kif 924-924 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat FrenchLanguage RationalNumber "nombre rationnel") french_format.kif 537-537 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat Hindi RationalNumber "parimeya anka") terms-hindi.txt 67-67 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat ItalianLanguage RationalNumber "NumeroRazionale") terms-it.txt 70-70 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage RationalNumber "有理数") japanese_format.kif 2222-2222 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage RationalNumber "Numero Racional") portuguese_format.kif 489-489 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat cz RationalNumber "rational number") terms-cz.txt 104-104 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat ro RationalNumber "numãr raþional") relations-ro.kif 558-558 Integer is a subclass of rational number
(termFormat tg RationalNumber "proporsiyong numero") terms-tg.txt 71-71 Integer is a subclass of rational number

appearance as argument number 3

(domain gearRatio 3 RationalNumber) engineering.kif 864-864 The number 3 argument of gear ratio is an instance of rational number


        (inList ?E ?L)
        (equal ?L
            (AmountsFn ?S ?CO ?U)))
    (instance ?E RationalNumber))
Merge.kif 7583-7588

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