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Sigma KEE - Promise
Promise(promise)agreed_upon, booking, committed, confederacy, consensual, conspiracy, conspiracy_of_silence, contract, declaration, engagement, gig, guarantee, guaranty, promissory, public_easement, stipulatory

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Promise ChineseLanguage "这个 Attribute 是用来表示一个 Agent 答应实现 PropositionPromise 可以是含蓄或明确的,它可以以书面或口头或手势形式来表达。") chinese_format.kif 3911-3912
(documentation Promise EnglishLanguage "Attribute that applies to Propositions that an AutonomousAgent promises to make true. Promises may be implicit or explicit. They may be expressed in a written or verbal or gestural manner.") Merge.kif 17566-17568
(subAttribute Promise Obligation) Merge.kif 17565-17565 Promise is a subattribute of obligation

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute Contract Promise) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14352-14352 Contract is a subattribute of promise
(subAttribute NakedPromise Promise) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14347-14347 Naked promise is a subattribute of promise
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Promise "诺言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47741-47741 Naked promise is a subattribute of promise
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Promise "諾言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47740-47740 Naked promise is a subattribute of promise
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Promise "promise") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47739-47739 Naked promise is a subattribute of promise


        (agreementClause ?PROP ?ATTR ?AGREEMENT ?AGENT)
            (equal ?ATTR Obligation)
            (equal ?ATTR Promise)))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (realization ?PROC ?PROP)
                (agent ?PROC ?AGENT))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14297-14307
    (property ?ENTITY Promise)
        (property ?ENTITY Contract)
        (property ?ENTITY NakedPromise)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14341-14345


        (instance ?COMMIT Committing)
        (patient ?COMMIT ?FORMULA)
        (instance ?FORMULA Formula))
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Promise))
Merge.kif 13272-13277
        (negotiatedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGREE)
        (partyToAgreement ?SELLER ?AGREE)
        (partyToAgreement ?BUYER ?AGREE))
        (exists (?S ?ITEM)
                (instance ?S Selling)
                (patient ?S ?ITEM)
                (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
                (agent ?S ?SELLER)
                (destination ?S ?BUYER)
                (transactionAmount ?S ?PRICE))) Promise))
Catalog.kif 276-289
    (unpaidItem ?ITEM ?AGENT)
            (exists (?BUYING)
                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                    (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM)
                    (agent ?BUYING ?AGENT))) Promise)
            (exists (?BUYING)
                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                    (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM)
                    (agent ?BUYING ?AGENT))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 452-466

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