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Sigma KEE - ProkaryoticCell
ProkaryoticCell(prokaryotic cell)

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint ProkaryoticCell EukaryoticCell) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 391-391 Prokaryotic cell is disjoint from eukaryotic cell
(documentation ProkaryoticCell EnglishLanguage "The Class of Cells that do not have a CellNucleus.") VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 392-393 Prokaryotic cell is disjoint from eukaryotic cell
(subclass ProkaryoticCell Cell) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 390-390 Prokaryotic cell is a subclass of cell

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ArchaealCell ProkaryoticCell) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 425-425 Archaea is a subclass of prokaryotic cell
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ProkaryoticCell "原核细胞") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47717-47717 Archaea is a subclass of prokaryotic cell
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ProkaryoticCell "原核細胞") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47716-47716 Archaea is a subclass of prokaryotic cell
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ProkaryoticCell "prokaryotic cell") domainEnglishFormat.kif 47715-47715 Archaea is a subclass of prokaryotic cell


    (instance ?OBJ1 ProkaryoticCell)
        (exists (?OBJ2)
                (instance ?OBJ2 CellNucleus)
                (part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 395-400

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