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Sigma KEE - PlantLeaf
PlantLeaf(plant leaf)abruptly-pinnate_leaf, acerate_leaf, acuminate_leaf, amplexicaul_leaf, bijugate_leaf, bijugous_leaf, bipinnate_leaf, blade, bract, bracteole, bractlet, cataphyll, compound_leaf, cordate_leaf, crenate_leaf, cuneate_leaf, decompound_leaf, deltoid_leaf, dentate_leaf, denticulate_leaf, elliptic_leaf, elongate_leaf, emarginate_leaf, ensiform_leaf, entire_leaf, erose_leaf, even-pinnate_leaf, fig_leaf, flowering_glume, foliage, frond, glume, hastate_leaf, involucre, lanceolate_leaf, leaf, leaf_blade, leafage, lemma, ligule, lily_pad, linear_leaf, lobe, lobed_leaf, lyrate_leaf, needle, oblanceolate_leaf, oblong_leaf, obovate_leaf, obtuse_leaf...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PlantLeaf EnglishLanguage "An Organ of Plants whose main purpose is photosynthesis.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9688-9689
(subclass PlantLeaf Organ) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9687-9687 Plant leaf is a subclass of organ
(subclass PlantLeaf PlantAnatomicalStructure) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9686-9686 Plant leaf is a subclass of plant anatomical structure

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage PlantLeaf "plant leaf") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65349-65349

appearance as argument number 3

(domain sheddingLeaves 2 PlantLeaf) Geography.kif 6438-6438 The number 2 argument of shedding leaves is an instance of plant leaf


        (instance ?T EvergreenTree)
        (instance ?L PlantLeaf))
        (sheddingLeaves ?T ?L)))
Geography.kif 6548-6553
        (sheddingLeaves ?T ?L)
        (instance ?T DeciduousTree)
        (instance ?L PlantLeaf))
    (exists (?SHED ?S)
            (subclass ?SHED Removing)
            (frequency ?SHED YearDuration)
            (instance ?S ?SHED)
            (origin ?S ?T)
            (patient ?S ?L))))
Geography.kif 6393-6404
        (subclass ?CLASS PlantLeaf)
        (equal ?CLASS Cabbage))
    (initialPart ?CLASS CabbagePlant))
Economy.kif 4354-4358
        (subclass ?CLASS PlantLeaf)
        (equal ?CLASS LeafyGreenVegetable))
    (initialPart ?CLASS Plant))
Economy.kif 4329-4333


        (instance ?P Plant)
        (part ?TIS ?P))
    (exists (?K ?W ?CLASS)
            (instance ?K ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Keeping)
            (instance ?W FreshWater)
            (patient ?K ?W)
            (capability ?CLASS instrument ?TIS)
                (instance ?TIS PlantLeaf)
                (instance ?TIS PlantStem)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9779-9792

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