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Sigma KEE - Plain
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Great_Plains, Great_Plains_of_North_America, champaign, coastal_plain, field, flood_plain, floodplain, llano, peneplain, peneplane, plain

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Plain EnglishLanguage "A Plain is a broad, flat or gently rolling area, usually low in elevation.") Geography.kif 4219-4220
(externalImage Plain " TeAroha-view.jpg") pictureList.kif 7581-7581
(externalImage Plain " Lightning_Ridge2.JPG") pictureList.kif 6769-6769
(externalImage Plain " Siberian_plain.jpg") pictureList.kif 7578-7578
(externalImage Plain " Cryon_5.JPG") pictureList.kif 7577-7577
(externalImage Plain " Twizel.jpg") pictureList.kif 7582-7582
(externalImage Plain " European_plain.png") pictureList.kif 7579-7579
(externalImage Plain " White_Plains.jpg") pictureList.kif 7580-7580
(subclass Plain LowlandArea) Geography.kif 4218-4218 Plain is a subclass of lowland area

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CoastalPlain Plain) Geography.kif 5743-5743 Coastal plain is a subclass of plain
(subclass Pampa Plain) Geography.kif 6678-6678 Pampa is a subclass of plain
(subclass Prairie Plain) Geography.kif 6672-6672 Prairie is a subclass of plain
(subclass Savanna Plain) Geography.kif 6688-6688 Savanna is a subclass of plain
(subclass Steppe Plain) Geography.kif 6698-6698 Steppe is a subclass of plain
(subclass Tundra Plain) Geography.kif 6728-6728 Tundra is a subclass of plain
(subclass Veldt Plain) Geography.kif 6714-6714 Veldt is a subclass of plain
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Plain "朴素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46041-46041 Veldt is a subclass of plain
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Plain "樸素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46040-46040 Veldt is a subclass of plain
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Plain "plain") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46039-46039 Veldt is a subclass of plain


    (instance ?plain Plain)
    (attribute ?plain FlatTerrain))
Geography.kif 4222-4224

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