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Sigma KEE - PhysicalSystem
PhysicalSystem(physical system)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PhysicalSystem ChineseLanguage "PhysicalSystem 是一类复杂的 Physical 物体, 一个 PhysicalSystem 可以有一个或一个以上的对应抽象 Graph 的代表。") chinese_format.kif 2385-2386
(documentation PhysicalSystem EnglishLanguage "PhysicalSystem is the class of complex Physical things. A PhysicalSystem may have one or more corresponding abstract Graph representations.") Merge.kif 6124-6126
(documentation PhysicalSystem JapaneseLanguage "PhysicalSystem は、複雑な Physical のク ラスである。 PhysicalSystem は、1つ以上の対応する抽象 Graph 表現があるかもしれない。") japanese_format.kif 1065-1066
(externalImage PhysicalSystem " 7/ 7c/ Physical_systems.gif") pictureList.kif 6765-6765
(subclass PhysicalSystem Physical) Merge.kif 6122-6122 Physical system is a subclass of physical

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AutoSuspensionSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 717-717 Auto suspension system is a subclass of physical system
(subclass Automobile PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 836-836 Automobile is a subclass of physical system
(subclass AutomobileExhaustSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 2588-2588 Exhaust system is a subclass of physical system
(subclass AutomobileIgnitionSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 3255-3255 Automobile ignition system is a subclass of physical system
(subclass BrakeSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 1230-1230 Brake system is a subclass of physical system
(subclass EngineCoolingSystem PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 2118-2118 Engine cooling system is a subclass of physical system
(subclass HydraulicCylinder PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 1603-1603 Hydraulic cylinder is a subclass of physical system
(subclass TransitSystem PhysicalSystem) Transportation.kif 3410-3410 Transit system is a subclass of physical system
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PhysicalSystem "物理系统") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45771-45771 Transit system is a subclass of physical system
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PhysicalSystem "物理系統") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45770-45770 Transit system is a subclass of physical system
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PhysicalSystem "physical system") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45769-45769 Transit system is a subclass of physical system

appearance as argument number 3

(domain dampingRatio 1 PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 795-795 The number 1 argument of damping ratio is an instance of physical system
(domain resonantFrequency 1 PhysicalSystem) Cars.kif 828-828 The number 1 argument of resonant frequency is an instance of physical system
(domain subSystem 1 PhysicalSystem) Merge.kif 6129-6129 The number 1 argument of sub system is an instance of physical system
(domain subSystem 2 PhysicalSystem) Merge.kif 6130-6130 The number 2 argument of sub system is an instance of physical system
(domain systemPart 2 PhysicalSystem) Merge.kif 6137-6137 The number 2 argument of system part is an instance of physical system


    (instance ?MJ MechanicalJoint)
    (hasPurpose ?MJ
        (exists (?S ?P1 ?P2 ?M)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (instance ?S PhysicalSystem)
                (instance ?P1 EngineeringComponent)
                (instance ?P2 EngineeringComponent)
                (part ?P1 PhysicalSystem)
                (part ?MJ PhysicalSystem)
                (part ?P2 PhysicalSystem)
                    (patient ?M ?P1))
                (patient ?M ?P2)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P1 ?MJ)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P2 ?MJ)))))
Cars.kif 1381-1397

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