PhysicalSystem(physical system) | system |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation PhysicalSystem ChineseLanguage "PhysicalSystem 是一类复杂的 Physical 物体, 一个 PhysicalSystem 可以有一个或一个以上的对应抽象 Graph 的代表。") | chinese_format.kif 2385-2386 | |
(documentation PhysicalSystem EnglishLanguage "PhysicalSystem is the class of complex Physical things. A PhysicalSystem may have one or more corresponding abstract Graph representations.") | Merge.kif 6124-6126 | |
(documentation PhysicalSystem JapaneseLanguage "PhysicalSystem は、複雑な Physical のク ラスである。 PhysicalSystem は、1つ以上の対応する抽象 Graph 表現があるかもしれない。") | japanese_format.kif 1065-1066 | |
(externalImage PhysicalSystem " 7/ 7c/ Physical_systems.gif") | pictureList.kif 6765-6765 | |
(subclass PhysicalSystem Physical) | Merge.kif 6122-6122 | Physical system is a subclass of physical |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain dampingRatio 1 PhysicalSystem) | Cars.kif 795-795 | The number 1 argument of damping ratio is an instance of physical system |
(domain resonantFrequency 1 PhysicalSystem) | Cars.kif 828-828 | The number 1 argument of resonant frequency is an instance of physical system |
(domain subSystem 1 PhysicalSystem) | Merge.kif 6129-6129 | The number 1 argument of sub system is an instance of physical system |
(domain subSystem 2 PhysicalSystem) | Merge.kif 6130-6130 | The number 2 argument of sub system is an instance of physical system |
(domain systemPart 2 PhysicalSystem) | Merge.kif 6137-6137 | The number 2 argument of system part is an instance of physical system |
consequent |