PacificCommunity(pacific community) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(dateEstablished PacificCommunity (DayFn 6 (MonthFn February (YearFn 1947)))) |
Government.kif 3757-3757 | The day 6 is a date established of pacific community |
(instance PacificCommunity OrganizationOfNations) | Government.kif 3753-3753 | Pacific community is an instance of organization of nations |
(organizationalObjective PacificCommunity EconomicCooperation) | Government.kif 3758-3758 | Economic cooperation is an organizational objective of pacific community |
(organizationalObjective PacificCommunity SocialCooperation) | Government.kif 3759-3759 | Social cooperation is an organizational objective of pacific community |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(conventionalLongName "Pacific Community" PacificCommunity) | Government.kif 3754-3754 | Pacific community is a conventional long name of "Pacific Community" |
(formerName "SPC" PacificCommunity) | Government.kif 3756-3756 | "SPC" is a former name for pacific community |
(formerName "South Pacific Commission" PacificCommunity) | Government.kif 3755-3755 | "South Pacific Commission" is a former name for pacific community |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PacificCommunity "太平洋社区") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 43899-43899 | "South Pacific Commission" is a former name for pacific community |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PacificCommunity "太平洋社區") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 43898-43898 | "South Pacific Commission" is a former name for pacific community |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PacificCommunity "pacific community") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 43897-43897 | "South Pacific Commission" is a former name for pacific community |