(attribute ?O Concave)
(surface ?O ?S)
(part ?P1 ?S)
(part ?P2 ?S)
(equal ?L
(LineFn ?P1 ?P2))
(equal ?P1 ?P2))
(part ?PL ?L))
(orientation ?PL ?O Outside)) |
ComputingBrands.kif 2693-2704 |
(instance ?T Thoracentesis)
(patient ?T ?H))
(exists (?I ?O ?IN ?L ?C ?F)
(instance ?I Inserting)
(subProcess ?I ?T)
(objectTransferred ?I ?N)
(origin ?I ?O)
(destination ?I ?IN)
(instance ?N Needle)
(attribute ?F Fluid)
(objectTransferred ?T ?F)
(destination ?F ?O)
(instance ?L Lung)
(instance ?C Chest)
(part ?L ?H)
(part ?C ?H)
(origin ?T ?IN)
(destination ?T ?O)
(between ?L ?IN ?C)
(orientation ?O ?H Outside)))) |
Medicine.kif 895-917 |
- If a transfer is an instance of needle decompression and an object is a patient of the transfer,
- then there exist another transfer, another object,, , the other transferN,, , a fourth object,, , a fifth object and a sixth object such that the other transfer is an instance of inserting and the other transfer is a subprocess of the transfer and the object transferred in the other transfer is a seventh object and the other transfer originates at the other object and the other transfer ends up at the other transferN and the seventh object is an instance of needle and fluid is an attribute of the sixth object and the object transferred in the transfer is the sixth object and the sixth object ends up at the other object and the fourth object is an instance of lung and the fifth object is an instance of chest and the fourth object is a part of the object and the fifth object is a part of the object and the transfer originates at the other transferN and the transfer ends up at the other object and the other transferN is between the fourth object and the fifth object and the other object is outside to the object
(instance ?VCS VentedChestSeal)
(instance ?A Attaching)
(objectTransferred ?A ?VCS)
(destination ?A ?H))
(hasPurpose ?VCS
(exists (?A ?L ?C ?H)
(instance ?A Air)
(instance ?L Lung)
(instance ?C Chest)
(part ?L ?H)
(part ?C ?H)
(WhenFn ?A))
(between ?L ?A ?C))
(hasPurpose ?VCS
(WhenFn ?A))
(orientation ?A ?H Outside))))))) |
Medicine.kif 853-875 |
(attribute ?X DownAndInRoom)
(exists (?LOC ?INDOOR)
(instance ?INDOOR Indoors)
(instance ?LOC Region)
(orientation ?LOC ?X Adjacent)
(orientation ?LOC ?X Outside)
(located ?LOC ?INDOOR)))) |
Hotel.kif 1057-1065 |
(attribute ?X DownAndOutRoom)
(exists (?LOC ?OUTDOOR)
(instance ?OUTDOOR Outdoors)
(instance ?LOC Region)
(orientation ?LOC ?X Adjacent)
(orientation ?LOC ?X Outside)
(located ?LOC ?OUTDOOR)))) |
Hotel.kif 1072-1080 |
(instance ?C Catheter)
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?M ?O ?OBJ ?L)
(instance ?O Organism)
(instance ?M Motion)
(moves ?M ?OBJ)
(orientation ?L ?O Outside)
(path ?M ?C)
(origin ?M ?L)
(destination ?M ?O))
(origin ?M ?O)
(destination ?M ?L))))))) |
Medicine.kif 548-564 |
(instance ?E Entering)
(exists (?R ?A)
(instance ?R Region)
(destination ?E ?R)
(agent ?E ?A)
(instance ?A AutonomousAgent)
(WhenFn ?E))
(orientation ?A ?R Outside))
(WhenFn ?E))
(orientation ?A ?R Inside))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17429-17442 |
(instance ?E Exiting)
(exists (?R ?A)
(instance ?R Region)
(origin ?E ?R)
(agent ?E ?A)
(instance ?A AutonomousAgent)
(WhenFn ?E))
(orientation ?A ?R Inside))
(WhenFn ?E))
(orientation ?A ?R Outside))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17448-17461 |
(instance ?OE OutboardEngine)
(hasPurpose ?OE
(exists (?W)
(instance ?W WaterVehicle)
(meetsSpatially ?OE ?W)
(orientation ?OE ?W Outside))))) |
Cars.kif 4410-4417 |
(instance ?ROOT PlantRoot)
(hasPurpose ?ROOT
(exists (?TRAN ?STUFF ?HOST)
(instance ?TRAN Transfer)
(instrument ?TRAN ?ROOT)
(origin ?TRAN ?HOST)
(orientation ?HOST ?ROOT Outside)
(objectTransferred ?TRAN ?STUFF)
(instance ?STUFF FreshWater)
(instance ?STUFF Nutrient)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9725-9737 |
(instance ?VRR VehicleRoofRack)
(hasPurpose ?VRR
(exists (?T ?A ?C)
(instance ?T Transfer)
(patient ?T ?C)
(instance ?A Automobile)
(orientation ?VRR ?A Outside)
(meetsSpatially ?C ?VRR)
(part ?VRR ?A)
(instrument ?T ?A))))) |
Cars.kif 4729-4740 |
(instance ?X Exoskeleton)
(exists (?A)
(instance ?A Animal)
(part ?X ?A)
(exists (?PART)
(properPart ?PART ?A)
(orientation ?PART ?X Outside))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11909-11919 |
(part ?OBJ ?REGION)
(orientation ?OBJ ?REGION Outside))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9342-9345 |