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Sigma KEE - OilFromPlant
OilFromPlant(oil from plant)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation OilFromPlant EnglishLanguage "OilFromPlant are oils extracted from seeds or from other parts of fruits. It is worth to note that not all OilFromPlant are edible, unlike VegetableOil.") Economy.kif 4527-4529
(subclass OilFromPlant Oil) Economy.kif 4526-4526 Oil from plant is a subclass of oil

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass TeaTreeOil OilFromPlant) Economy.kif 4545-4545 Tea tree oil is a subclass of oil from plant
(subclass VegetableOil OilFromPlant) Economy.kif 4558-4558 Vegetable oil is a subclass of oil from plant
(termFormat EnglishLanguage OilFromPlant "oil from plant") Economy.kif 4530-4530


        (equal ?O
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?O OilFromPlant)
            (subclass ?S Seed)
            (subclass ?S Fruit)))
    (exists (?P)
            (subclass ?P FloweringPlant)
            (initialPart ?S ?P))))
Economy.kif 4532-4543

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