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Sigma KEE - October
Oct, October

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation October ChineseLanguage "这是所有十月 MonthClass。") chinese_format.kif 2804-2804
(documentation October EnglishLanguage "The Class of all Months which are October.") Merge.kif 9223-9223
(documentation October JapaneseLanguage "10月のすべての MonthClass。") japanese_format.kif 1545-1545
(externalImage October " bb/ WallCalendar.jpg") pictureList.kif 4934-4934
(subclass October Month) Merge.kif 9221-9221 October is a subclass of month
(successorClass October November) Merge.kif 9069-9069 November is the successor class of October.

appearance as argument number 2

(successorClass September October) Merge.kif 9068-9068 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat ChineseLanguage October "十月") chinese_format.kif 1286-1286 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat EnglishLanguage October "October") english_format.kif 1789-1789 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat FrenchLanguage October "Octobre") french_format.kif 964-964 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat Hindi October "aktUbara") terms-hindi.txt 499-499 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat ItalianLanguage October "Ottobre") terms-it.txt 503-503 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage October "10月") japanese_format.kif 2648-2648 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage October "Outubro") portuguese_format.kif 916-916 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat cb October "octobre") terms-cb.txt 505-505 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat cz October "october") terms-cz.txt 539-539 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat ro October "octombrie") relations-ro.kif 985-985 October is the successor class of September.
(termFormat tg October "Oktubre") terms-tg.txt 504-504 October is the successor class of September.


        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn October ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn November ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9229-9233
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn September ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn October ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9215-9219
    (instance ?MONTH October)
    (duration ?MONTH
        (MeasureFn 31 DayDuration)))
Merge.kif 9225-9227


(dateEstablished CaribbeanDevelopmentBank
    (DayFn 18
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1969))))
Government.kif 2899-2899 The day 18 is a date established of caribbean development bank
(dateEstablished FoodAndAgricultureOrganization
    (DayFn 16
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1945))))
Government.kif 3229-3229 The day 16 is a date established of food and agriculture organization
(dateEstablished GroupOf10
    (MonthFn October
        (YearFn 1962)))
Government.kif 3287-3287 The month October is a date established of group of10
(dateEstablished GroupOf8
    (MonthFn October
        (YearFn 1975)))
Government.kif 3271-3271 The month October is a date established of group of8
(dateEstablished InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1956))))
Government.kif 3371-3371 The day 26 is a date established of international atomic energy agency
(dateEstablished LatinAmericanEconomicSystem
    (DayFn 17
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1975))))
Government.kif 3596-3596 The day 17 is a date established of latin american economic system
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsMissionInSierraLeone
    (DayFn 22
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1999))))
Government.kif 4051-4051 The day 22 is a date established of united nations mission in sierra leone
(dateEstablished UnitedNationsTransitionalAdministrationInEastTimor
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1999))))
Government.kif 4201-4201 The day 25 is a date established of united nations transitional administration in east timor
(dateEstablished UniversalPostalUnion
    (DayFn 9
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1874))))
Government.kif 4238-4238 The day 9 is a date established of universal postal union
(dateEstablished WesternEuropeanUnion
    (DayFn 23
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1954))))
Government.kif 4277-4277 The day 23 is a date established of western european union
(dateEstablished WorldFederationOfTradeUnions
    (DayFn 3
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1945))))
Government.kif 4302-4302 The day 3 is a date established of world federation of trade unions
(dateEstablished WorldMeteorologicalOrganization
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn October
            (YearFn 1947))))
Government.kif 4326-4326 The day 11 is a date established of world meteorological organization
    (ImmediateFutureFn ?T)
        (instance ?T
            (DayFn 1
                (MonthFn October
                    (YearFn 1992))))
        (conventionalLongName "Andean Community of Nations" AndeanCommunityOfNations)))
Government.kif 2755-2758 A time position is an instance of the day 1 and andean community of nations is a conventional long name of "Andean Community of Nations" holds during immediately after the time position

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