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Sigma KEE - Ocean
deep, ocean

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Ocean EnglishLanguage "Ocean is the class containing the oceans that are the major subdivisions of the WorldOcean. According to the International Hydrographic Association, there are five oceans: the AtlanticOcean, PacificOcean, IndianOcean, SouthernOcean, and ArcticOcean. Note: The largest oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, are subdivided into Northern and Southern regions, but those regions are not separate Oceans.") Geography.kif 4515-4521
(externalImage Ocean " Indianocean.PNG") pictureList.kif 905-905
(subclass Ocean BodyOfWater) Geography.kif 4513-4513 Ocean is a subclass of body of water
(subclass Ocean SaltWaterArea) Geography.kif 4512-4512 Ocean is a subclass of salt water area

appearance as argument number 2

(instance ArcticOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4634-4634 Arctic ocean is an instance of ocean
(instance AtlanticOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4534-4534 Atlantic ocean is an instance of ocean
(instance IndianOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4625-4625 Indian ocean is an instance of ocean
(instance PacificOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4566-4566 Pacific ocean is an instance of ocean
(instance SouthernOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4649-4649 Southern ocean is an instance of ocean
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Ocean "海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41659-41659 Southern ocean is an instance of ocean
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Ocean "海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41658-41658 Southern ocean is an instance of ocean
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ocean "ocean") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41657-41657 Southern ocean is an instance of ocean


        (instance ?LAKE Lake)
        (instance ?OCEAN Ocean))
    (smaller ?LAKE ?OCEAN))
Geography.kif 5733-5737
        (instance ?SEA Ocean)
            (equal ?SEA ArcticOcean)))
    (smaller ArcticOcean ?SEA))
Geography.kif 4643-4647
        (instance ?WATER BodyOfWater)
            (instance ?WATER Ocean))
        (instance ?OCEAN Ocean))
    (larger ?OCEAN ?WATER))
Geography.kif 4523-4528
        (instance ?ocean Ocean)
        (surface ?top ?ocean))
    (elevation ?top
        (MeasureFn 0.0 FootLength)))
Geography.kif 4837-4842
        (instance ?ocean Ocean)
        (surface ?top ?ocean))
    (elevation ?top
        (MeasureFn 0.0 Meter)))
Geography.kif 4830-4835
    (instance ?OCEAN Ocean)
    (properPart ?OCEAN WorldOcean))
Geography.kif 4530-4532


    (instance ?AREA LandlockedArea)
        (exists (?WATER ?SEA)
                (instance ?WATER SaltWaterArea)
                (part ?WATER ?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean)
                (meetsSpatially ?AREA ?WATER)))))
Geography.kif 942-950
    (instance ?AREA LandlockedArea)
        (exists (?WATER)
                (instance ?WATER Ocean)
                (meetsSpatially ?AREA ?WATER)))))
Geography.kif 934-940
    (instance ?GULF Gulf)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
            (connected ?GULF ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 5129-5136
    (instance ?PORT PortCity)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 841-850
    (instance ?PORT SeaPort)
    (exists (?SEA)
                (instance ?SEA Sea)
                (instance ?SEA Ocean))
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Adjacent)
                (orientation ?PORT ?SEA Near)))))
Transportation.kif 873-882
    (instance ?SEA Sea)
    (exists (?OCEAN ?PATH)
            (instance ?OCEAN Ocean)
            (instance ?PATH WaterArea)
            (connects ?PATH ?OCEAN ?SEA))))
Geography.kif 4783-4789

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