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Sigma KEE - NuclearWeapon
NuclearWeapon(nuclear weapon)
A-bomb, H-bomb, atom_bomb, atomic_bomb, atomic_weapon, fission_bomb, fusion_bomb, hydrogen_bomb, megaton_bomb, nuclear_weapon, plutonium_bomb, thermonuclear_bomb

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation NuclearWeapon EnglishLanguage "An ExplosiveDevice and RadioactiveWeapon which achieves its effect by means of a critical mass of a radioactive substance.") WMD.kif 132-133
(externalImage NuclearWeapon " thumb/ c/ c2/ Fat_man.jpg/ 150px-Fat_man.jpg") pictureList.kif 1200-1200
(subclass NuclearWeapon ExplosiveDevice) WMD.kif 130-130 Nuclear weapon is a subclass of explosive device
(subclass NuclearWeapon RadioactiveWeapon) WMD.kif 134-134 Nuclear weapon is a subclass of radioactive weapon
(subclass NuclearWeapon Weapon) WMD.kif 131-131 Nuclear weapon is a subclass of weapon

appearance as argument number 2

(partition RadioactiveWeapon NuclearWeapon RadiologicalWeapon) WMD.kif 648-648 Radioactive weapon is exhaustively partitioned into nuclear weapon and radiological weapon
(subclass AbsoluteDud NuclearWeapon) MilitaryDevices.kif 1391-1391 Absolute dud is a subclass of nuclear weapon
(termFormat ChineseLanguage NuclearWeapon "核武器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41430-41430 Absolute dud is a subclass of nuclear weapon
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage NuclearWeapon "核武器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41429-41429 Absolute dud is a subclass of nuclear weapon
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NuclearWeapon "nuclear weapon") domainEnglishFormat.kif 41428-41428 Absolute dud is a subclass of nuclear weapon


    (instance ?W NuclearWeapon)
    (capability RadiatingNuclear instrument ?W))
WMD.kif 136-138


        (instance ?FACILITY NuclearWeaponProductionFacility)
        (instance ?DEVELOP DevelopingWeaponOfMassDestruction)
        (eventLocated ?DEVELOP ?FACILITY)
        (result ?DEVELOP ?WEAPON))
    (instance ?WEAPON NuclearWeapon))
WMD.kif 654-660
        (instance ?FACILITY NuclearWeaponResearchFacility)
        (instance ?RESEARCH ResearchingWeaponOfMassDestruction)
        (eventLocated ?RESEARCH ?FACILITY))
    (refers ?RESEARCH NuclearWeapon))
WMD.kif 666-671

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