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Sigma KEE - NounPhrase
NounPhrase(noun phrase)ablative, ablative_absolute, ablative_case, accusative, accusative_case, attributive_genitive, attributive_genitive_case, dative, dative_case, direct_object, genitive, genitive_case, indirect_object, locative, locative_role, nominal, nominal_phrase, nominative, nominative_case, noun_phrase, object, object_of_a_preposition, object_of_the_verb, objective_case, oblique, oblique_case, possessive, possessive_case, prepositional_object, result, resultant_role, retained_object, subject, subject_case, temporal, temporal_role, term, vocative, vocative_case

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint NounPhrase VerbPhrase) Merge.kif 15383-15383 Noun phrase is disjoint from verb phrase
(documentation NounPhrase ChineseLanguage "这是有着和 Noun 一样功能的 Phrase。") chinese_format.kif 3547-3547 Noun phrase is disjoint from verb phrase
(documentation NounPhrase EnglishLanguage "A Phrase that has the same function as a Noun.") Merge.kif 15384-15385 Noun phrase is disjoint from verb phrase
(subclass NounPhrase Phrase) Merge.kif 15382-15382 Noun phrase is a subclass of phrase

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage NounPhrase "名词短语") chinese_format.kif 1036-1036
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NounPhrase "noun phrase") english_format.kif 1284-1284
(termFormat FrenchLanguage NounPhrase "syntagme nominal") french_format.kif 714-714
(termFormat Hindi NounPhrase "sangyaa vaakyansha") terms-hindi.txt 246-246
(termFormat ItalianLanguage NounPhrase "SintagmaNominale") terms-it.txt 249-249
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage NounPhrase "名詞句") japanese_format.kif 2397-2397
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage NounPhrase "Sintagma Nominal") portuguese_format.kif 666-666
(termFormat cb NounPhrase "pangalang mugbong pinulongan") terms-cb.txt 251-251
(termFormat cz NounPhrase "noun phrase") terms-cz.txt 284-284
(termFormat ro NounPhrase "grup nominal") relations-ro.kif 735-735
(termFormat tg NounPhrase "Pariralang Pangalan") terms-tg.txt 250-250

appearance as argument number 3

(disjointDecomposition Phrase VerbPhrase NounPhrase PrepositionalPhrase) Merge.kif 15357-15357 Phrase is disjointly decomposed into verb phrase, noun phrase, and prepositional phrase
(domain sententialObject 1 NounPhrase) Mid-level-ontology.kif 712-712 The number 1 argument of sentential object is an instance of noun phrase
(domain sententialSubject 1 NounPhrase) Mid-level-ontology.kif 720-720 The number 1 argument of sentential subject is an instance of noun phrase


    (instance ?PHRASE NounPhrase)
    (exists (?NOUN)
            (instance ?NOUN Noun)
            (part ?NOUN ?PHRASE))))
Merge.kif 15396-15401


    (instance ?SENTENCE Sentence)
    (exists (?PHRASE1 ?PHRASE2)
            (instance ?PHRASE1 NounPhrase)
            (instance ?PHRASE2 VerbPhrase)
            (part ?PHRASE1 ?SENTENCE)
            (part ?PHRASE2 ?SENTENCE))))
Merge.kif 15387-15394

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